Mazarinades are short satirical or burlesque texts, in verse or prose, about Cardinal Mazarin, written at the time of the Fronde (1648-1653), a time of uprising and revolt in France while King Louis XIV was still a minor. Cardinal Mazarin had succeeded Richelieu as Minister of State, a position he held from 1643-1661. The Mazarinades are both mocking and defending him.
The Taylor Insitution holds a large number of these texts, acquired at various times through different donations. They are not individually catalogued, so an ongoing project to digitise them will greatly improve access to this part of the library's collections.
See also the Projet Mazarinades.
Digital Editions
The following Mazarinades are available as Taylor Editions:
- Anon. Voevz presentez a Nosseignevrs de Parlement, et a Monseignevr le Dvc de Beavfort par les Bovrgeois de la V de Paris, Pour le retour du RO. Paris: s.n., M. DC. XI [1649] [SOLO]
- Anon. Le Covrier de la Covr, apportant les Nouvelles de ce qui s'est passé à S. Germain en Laye. Rouen: Iean Loyselet et Pierre Geoffroy, 1649
- Cadet, Louys Requeste au Parlement sur l'Attentat commis en la personne du Roy. La Nuit des Roys. Paris: Alexandre Lesselin, 1649