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Of two VVoonderful Popish Monſters, to wyt,
Of a Popish Aſſe which was found at Rome in the riuer of Tyber, and of a Moonkiſh Calfe, calued at Fri- Berge in Miſne.
¶Which are the very foreſhewings and tokens of Gods wrath, againſt blinde, obſtinate, and monſtrous Papiſtes. Witneſſed, Bibl Bodl Ex Dono F. Douce and declared, the one by Philip Melancthon, the other by Martyn Lu -ther.
¶These bookes are to be ſould in Powles Churchyard at the ſigne of the Parat
[Note:] Bibl Bodl Ex Dono F. Douce

IOHN BROOKE VN- to the Chriſtian Reader.

AMong all the things that are to be ſeene vnder the heauens (good Chriſtian Reader) there is nothing can ſtirre vp the minde of man,& which can engender more fere vn ⸗to the creatures then the horrible Monſters, which are brought forth dayly contrary vnto the workes of Nature. The which the moſt time doe note and demon ⸗ſtrate vnto vs the Ire and wrath of God, againſt vs for our ſinnes and wickedneſſe, that we haue and doe dayly commit agaynſt him. But mans heart is ſo hardened that thoſe his threatnings and foreſhewings are reiected as though they were but fables. Therefore many times the Elements haue bene and be the heraulds and executors ⸗of Gods Iustice; as we do read in the viij. chapter of Ge Geneſ.8 neſis, that the waters ouerflowed the toppe of the high ⸗eſt mountaine.xv.cubites, and drowned all the worlde except viij.perſons. The fire in lyke manner as we do read in the xix. chapter of Geneſis conſumed & burned Geneſ.19 the Citie of Sodoma and Gomorra. Alſo the earth as we may read in the xvi. chap. of Numeri opened hir mouth Num.16 and ſwallowed vp Chorah, Dathan, and Abiron. Beſides an infinite number of examples more, which are to bee ſeene in the holy Scripture, and all was done for the wic ⸗kedneſſe & ſinnes of the people. Therefore the rather to moue the harts of euery good chriſtian to feare & tremble at the ſight of ſuch prodigious monſters, I haue taken vp ⸗on me to tranſlate out of French into our Engliſh tongue theſe two monſters, the one of a Popiſh Aſſe which was found at Rome in the yeare of our Lord. 1496. And the other of a Moonkiſh Calfe, calued at Friberge in the yeare 1528. A.ii. And a2v To the reader. And the willinglyer for that Philip Melancthon & Martyn Luther two godly and learned men, haue in -terpreted vpon theſe two Monſters, who were of ſuch authoritie and credit, that we muſt not thinke that they be forged and inuented. Signifying that theſe two Monſters may well be compared vnto the Pope and his rablement of Cardinals, Abbottes, Biſhops, Prieſts, Canons, Moonks and Fryers, as Gods meſſengers, to giue warning vnto them that Gods wrath is redy at hād to deſtroy both him & his king ⸗dome, with his whole rable of Cardinals, Moonks & ſhauelings, diſguiſing thēſelues ſo againſt nature, as theſe two Mōſters were. For Sathā is a wyly Fox ſee -king all the means poſible thorow his ſubtile prac ⸗tiſes, to ſeduce and keepe ſtill in ignoraunce & error, all Chriſtendome. Therefore let vs way diligently theſe his wonderous woorkes, and repent in time from the bottome of our hearts of our ſinnes, and deſire him to be mer ⸗cifull vnto vs, & euer to kepe & defend vs from ſuch horrible Mon ⸗ſters. AMEN.

Printers flowers.

¶IOHN CRESPIN vnto ALL which feare the Lord.

THere hath now bene a long time ſi God doth ad-uertiſe men of their impietiesdiuerſly.thēce God hath not ceaſed to teach & giue aduertiſmēts after diuerſe ſorts & faſhions, to draw men frō their impie ⸗ties & deteſtable conuerſations,& yet neuertheleſſe the ingratitude of the worlde is ſo great, that nothing followeth but a hard ⸗ning of heart more then obſtinate. The Lord threat ⸗neth,& his threatnings are reiected as if they wer but fables. He ſetteth foorth monſtrous and fearful fi The vngratfull men deſpiſe themeruailes of God. -gures, which were inough to make the Diuels them ⸗ſelues afraide : And men doe ſee them and let them paſſe, as if they touched them nothing at all. Further -more, he declareth effectually that he threatneth not in vaine. He declareth by terrible iudgements, that he cannot ſuffer the contempt of his aduertiſments: Howbeit, men haue their ſences altogether dull in re ⸗gard of that: And of a thouſand, ſcātly ther are twaine which will open their eyes to conſider and beholde the wornders of the Lord, and to amende their lyues therby. Beholde two monſtrous figures which are ſet before vs: And the two moſt excellent men, to wit ⸗Philip Melancthon and Martin Luther, who haue in ⸗terpreted them, are of ſufficient authoritie to make men to vnderſtand, that thoſe monſters are not for ⸗ged and inunted fantaſies. The firſt is a general wit ⸗neſſe of the horrible vengeaunce of God ouer euery The ſignificatiō of the firſt Monſter. kingdome that exalteth it ſelf by cruelty & tyranny aboue the ſpirituall iuriſtiction of the ſon of God. And biscauſe that this tyranny is more liuely ſet forth by the dominatiō of the Pope, by thē by any other, euen ſo this threatning is referred cheefely vnto that Ro A.iij. miſh a3v The Epiſtlemiſh Antechriſt whom we doe ſee at this day, yea in his latter age farre out of modeſtie, that he ſetteth all The Pope that is now. the world together by the eares. Who after that hee hath ſhewed his ſcales vppon his backe, and feared them with his clawes, feete, nailes and talons, cannot chooſe but cauſe that his Aſſes noſe may be ſeene, & vncouer his whooriſh breſt and belly, without all ſhame. The ingratitude of men haue well deſerued to fall into that brutiſhneſſe: They ſee the belly of a whoore naked,& yet neuertheleſſe this is their owne God, whom they feare and worſhip, and vnto whom they doe homage, with their kings, Lords, and Empe ⸗rours. Now for as much as the Moonkes are the prin ⸗cipall proppes of that drunken and enchaunting har The figure of the ſecond Monſter.lot, very fitte is happened this other monſter, in the likeneſſe of a Monkiſh Calfe, hauing on him a coole, who will playe his part as well as the Popiſh Aſſe. Giuing all men to vnderſtande what ſanctitie hath cheifly blinded the eyes of the world: to wit, the ho ⸗lineſſe of a diſguiſed frocke and habite. If all that which the coole toucheth be holy, wherfore then ſhal not this enfrocked Calfe be holy, as well as any reue The holyneſſe of the frocke or coole. rent Moonke that euer hath bene in the world? And if in taking away the coole or frocke, the Calfe remai ⸗neth but a Calfe, what ſhall the Moonke remaine, when his frocke & coole ſhalbe taken from him, but that he is a Moonke for euery mans porredge pot? But that it is, ſo long as the Diuell ſhall be Prince of the world, the world ſhal haue alwaies their eyes blinded. But as for vs we doe feare ſuch aduertiſements of God, let vs conſider diligently his wondrous woorkes, and preuent the effectes of his iudgements tho -row true repen ⸗taunce.


¶THE POVRTRAYTVRE OR SHEW of a wonderfull Monſter which was found at Rome, in the yeare of our Lord, 1496.

A woodcut of the 'popish asse' with a donkey head, trunk arm, claw foot and human headed bottom. The asse stands on two feet and is covered in scales. The environment around him has two castles, is hilly and a flag flies in the top left.

¶A DECLARATION of the Monſtrous figure of a Popiſh Aſſe, which was founde at Rome in the Riuer of Tiber, In the yeare of our Lorde God, 1496.

GOD at all times both liuely repre VVherfore god doth ſend Mon ⸗ſters.ſent by certeine tokens and after a wonderfull ſort, either his wrath or mercie: And e[?]brefely the conti ⸗ [...]chaunges ,the encrea ⸗ſinges an [...]ns of kingdomes and Empires: As wée maye ſée in Da Daniel.niel the eight, where after the fourth Monarch, the kingdome of Antechriſt is alſo foreſhewed: to the ende that all true faithfull men and Chriſtians ſhould bée admoniſhed in good time, and ſhoulde take hede of his trumperies and deceites, and of his Idolatryes, and erecrable blaſphemies, and of all his diuine ſer ⸗uice: the which hée hath ſo greatly, and with ſuch craft vnder the ſhewe and appearaunce of truth va ⸗lued, that it is to bée feared leaſt that the elect and faithfull bée deceived and wrapt in his errours, as Ie ⸗ſus Chriſt ſaith, Mathew Chapt 24.

Euen ſo then God hath declared great meruailes and many monſterous tokens and ſignes duringe that Many Monſte⸗ rous ſignes vn⸗der kingdome of Antechriſt. barberous and pernicious domination . And cowe[?] hae hath lette foorth this horrible figure of this po ⸗piſh aſſe whiche was founde dead at Rome in the ryuer of Tyber, in the yeare of our Lord God[?] [?][?] b1v The declaration thouſande faure bundreth foure[?] ſcore and Octéene: And in the ſame he repreſenteth and ſetteth out ſo pro ⸗perlye, ſo openlye, and cléerelye. the manner of the The Papacleliuely ſet out. Popes kingdome, that it ſéemeth that mans indu ⸗ſtrye or cunninge coulde not make nor ſette out one ſuch figure. Wherefore wée muſt confeſſe that God himſelfe hath set foorth this abhominable Popedome under one ſuch figure, for to make it bée behelde and ſéene of men.

Truely this is not a figure which is for to ſigni ⸗fie and declare any grace or fauour: But it is a wit ⸗neſſe of a terrible wrath by the whiche GOD de ⸗clareth his horrible indignation to this tyranni call domination of the Pope for as doth not onely repreſe [...] chaſt figure, but alſo [...] miſſhapen members [...]

Firſt of all, the heade of the Aſſe is a deſcription The head of the Aſſe. and kingdome, aſſembled together in ſpirite. And The Church is a ſpiritual body and kingdome. therefore it cannot nor ought not to haue a mannes head, nor a viſible Lorde. But onely the LORD JESUS, which formeth the heartes inwardlye, by the holy Ghoſt by fayth, kéepeth, reneweth, and gouer [...]th them as Lorde and head. Contrary vnto theſe thinges the Pope is ſignified by the heade of this Aſſe, ioyned with a mannes bodye ſhoulde haue an Aſ ⸗ſes heade: euen ſo is it altogether vnſmelye that the Pope of Rome ſhoulde bée the heade of the Church.

For the holy ſcriptures doe vnderſtande by the What Aſſe doth ſignifie in Aſſe, the erternall and carnall lyfe, and the Ele mentes b2r of a Popish Aſse. 2mentes of the worlde: As in the thirtéenth Chap the holy Scrip-ture.ter of Exodus. And as much difference as there is betwéene the brayne of an Aſſe and the reaſon and witte of a man, ſo muche difference there is betwéene the doctrine and ordinaunces of the Pope, and the Doctrine and inſtruction of the ſonne of God.

For in the Popes kingdome there is nothinge but mannes traditions and ordinaunces which beare authoritie: by which hée hath enlarged his ly ⸗mittes and bondes and hath exalted himſelfe in dignitie: Theſe are the rockes vppon whiche hée is builded. But as ſoone as he ſhould beare the woord of Ieſus Chriſt to ſounde, and that hée ſhoulde ſuf ⸗fer that it might [?]bée preached, hée ſhall ſodoinelye come to confuſion and[?] this is the cauſe where ⸗fore alwayes hée fea [...] ſo muche the Coun ⸗ſells.

But although it bée not compared to the woorde of God and the holy ſcriptures, but onely to the naturall equitie and lyght of mans reaſon: wée ſhall finde that his brayne is the brayne of an Aſſe. The whiche the Canoniſtes themselues doe wyt ⸗nesse, lettinge foorth this matter, that a méere Ca A Canoniſt is an Aſſe.noniſt is a very Aſſe and a beaſt. Their bookes doe confirme the ſame ſo cléerely and playnelye, that hée which ſhall knowe them, will not aſke, what is hée whome they call Aſſe. For a Canoniſt is hée which hath ſtudyed in decrées, or in the right Canon, the Popes ſcholler, hauing the Pope for his ſchoole ⸗maſter.

ſecondly, the right hande lyke vnto the foote of The right hand an Elephaunt, ſignifieth the ſpirituall gouernement of the Pope, by hwich hée amazeth and feareth all the weake and fearefull conſciences. And B.ii. in b2v The declaration in very déede, he hurteth and killeth an infinit num ⸗ber of ſoules, through ſo many decrées and intollera ⸗ble ordinaunces that he maketh: by the which hée chargeth, tormenteth, and caſteth downe the poore conſciences, with sinnes and terrible anguiſhes, with ⸗out any neceſſitie or occaſion, As the Elephaunt which is a beaſt very great and meruailous to behold, that that he can lay foote upon.

For what is the ſpirituall kingdome of the The ſpirituall kingdom of the Pope. Pope, but a cruell butcherye and Daughter of con ⸗ſciences. The which tormenteth, burneth, woun ⸗deth and deſtroyeth the ſoules after a tyrannical ſorte, againſt the woorde of GOD, conſtrayninge and compelling men to confeſſe him, induſinge and perſuading them to make vowes, eyther of pouer ⸗tre, or impietie and vngodlyneſſe and falſe penaun ⸗ces: making promiſes, and after breakinge them: ſufering and afterwarde forbidding, eſtabliſhing his pardons and bulles: And finally tourning the ſoules from the true fayth and Chriſtian lyfe for to leade them vnto a vaine and friuolous ſimulation of out ⸗ward woorkes; and vnto a falſe ſhewe of holyneſſe. Ac ⸗cording to that which is ſayde in Daniel, Chapt, viij Daniel.8 He will put to death the people of the ſaints. And in the ſecond Epistle to Timothe, Chapter. iiij. But after Timot.4.2.3. their owne luſtes ſhall they (whoſe eares itch) get them an heape of teachers, and ſhall tourne their eares from the truth, and ſhall bée given vnto fa ⸗bles.

For the right hand declareth the inward Miniſtery, proper to the conſciences and ſoules: where it is expe ⸗dient that the ſonne of God our Lorde Ieſus Chriſt do reigne after a gentle faſhiō: but this gratious Lord, doth b3r of a popiſh Aſse. 3 doth exerciſe héere a pernicious, vniuſt, and cruell do ⸗mination.

Thirdly, the left hand which is the hand of a man, The left hand the hand of a man. ſignifieth the ciuile power of pope. The ſonne of god hath manifeſtly forbidden that power or domination to the Prelates of the Church. Luc. 22 chap. ſaying: Luc.22.b.2 The Kings of the Gentiles reigne ouer them, & they that beare rule ouer them, are called gratious Lords. But ye ſhall not be ſo.

Neuertheleſſe the Pope, through ſo many deceits, eugines, crafts and enchauntments, is mounted vnto ſo high power and authoritie through the inſtigation of the diuell, that his ciuill Iuriſdiction is no leſſe then the moſt puiſſant King that one can finde. But he hath more, be gouerneth and hath vnder his féete all world ⸗ly Kingdomes and Empires, as ſovereigne Lorde of All kingdomes and empires are vnder Popes féete, Kinges and Princes, whome hée hath ioyned to him for to amplyfie, beautifie, confirme and mainteine his barbarous and cruell power and authoritie. And that is to the ende that the Prophecie of the eyght chapter of Daniell bée fulfilled, ſaying: hée ſhall bée mightie Daniel.8.g.24 and ſtrong, but not in his owne ſtrength.

Finally he is aſcended to ſuch dignitie, puffed vp with ſuch pride, fine with ſuch pompe & magnificence, that neuer king or Emperour which hath made ſo ma ⸗ny warres and which hath ſhed ſo much bloud. And in ſtéede that he ought to haue regard to the dignitie of the word of God, to maynteine, conſerue and kéepe of commodities and goods of the Church, according as his vocation& office doe require, he deſireth the chiefe and principal dominations of the world, he hath lear ⸗ned to make very braue and gorgeous apparaile, and to enflame and kindle warres. And giuing himſelfe vn ⸗to all thoſe goodly thinges, hée treadeth vnder foote, B.iij. the b3v The declaration the doctrine, he forsaketh the Church, he ſuffereth that all the holy things be ſet for a pray, that the prophane and temporall things be ſpoyled, that all be defaced and turned vpſide downe.

Wherefore behold what the hande of man ſignifi The Popish kingdome eſta -blished through mans vvisſedometh: for that kingdome hath bene eſtablyſhed onely through the wiſedomes, opinions, and councells of men, without authoritie of the holy ſcriptures: when they ſay that it is a reaſonable thing, that the heire of the Apoſtolycall ſeate and the uicar of Iesus Christ, be not ſubiect vnto any man. But thankes be vnto one good God, the matter is come vnto this poynt, that ma ⸗ny of the common people, and others alſo of al eſtates, doe vnderſtande cléerely and playnely inough, the goodly ſhewes of ſo many execrablw wickedneſſes, of which all that Popiſh vermine hath ſhamed them ⸗ſelues, and hath defamed the renowne of the Chriſti ⸗ans.

Fourthly, the right foote lyke vnto an Ore foote, The right foot ſignifieth the Miniſters of the ſpirituall gouernment, and as a man may ſay, the Porters, who in op ⸗preſſing the poore ſoules, doe vpholde and mayne ⸗teine the Popes kingdome. Theſe are the Doc ⸗tours in Decrées, the Doctours made by the Popes Those vvhich doe vphold the Popes kingdome Bulles, Dataires, Preachers of Pardons, Maſſe Prieſts, Confeſſors aſwell of Moonkes as Nunnes: and the chiefeſt of all this vermine, are the ſcholaſti ⸗call diuines.

For what doth all that deteſtable filthie compa ⸗ny, but to put into the headde, and to print into heart of the people thoſe ordinaunces of the Pope, which are ſo harde and not to bée borne? And to ſette them foorth in all their ſermons, in all their doctrine, in their confeſſions: That thereby they may holde the poore conſciences captiue vnder the b4r of a popiſh Aſse. 4 the foote of the Elephant, the which were already too much afflicted and grieued? All thoſe raſcalls are as the foote, the foundation and pillar of the Popes kingdome, the which coulde neuer ſo long time haue continued, without the buylding that thoſe héere with the reſt of their complices and adherents, haue buylded vppon.

I pray you what doth the Scholaſticall diuinitie Scholaſticall diuinite. conteine, but vayne, fonde, execrable, and diabo ⸗lycall dreames, and the monſtrous dreames of Moonkes, by which they doe enchaunt, treade vnder foote, kéepe vnder, and caſt downe headlong the poore troubled ſoules of the afflicated Christians. Mathew.24. Falſe Chriſts and falſe Prophets ſhall Mat. 24 ariſe &c. Thoſe haue made the Pope an earthly God, yea, they haue exalted and extolled him aboue God: And yet theſe proude Prelates haue reiected the word of GOD, conteinned the holy ſcriptures, and haue driuen out from among them and buried Ieſus Chriſt, onely to féede and pamper their fatte paunches. For a ſimple Bull of the Pope, was more terrible and feareful then the Iudgement of almightie GOD, thundering out his commaundements and threate ⸗nings.

Fifthly, the lefte foote lyke vnto the foote of a Gri The left foote of a Griphin.phin, ſignifieth the Miniſters of the ciuile or ſecular power: That is to ſay the Canoniſts, the Chaunce ⸗lours and the raſcalls making profeſſion of the Canon lawe, which of their owne accorde doe acknowledge and confeſſe, that the moſt holy Canons or Decretals, doe ſmell their moſt abhominable auarice ambi ⸗tion.

For euen as the Griphins doe not eaſely let goe that that they haue once caught or layde holde on: E ⸗uen ſo theſe maynteiners and raueners of the Pope, doe b4v The declaration doe holde faſt all that which they can get, and let not lyghtly goe the pray: and as through the hookes of the Canons they haue entrapped almoſt all the goods of al Europe: and they holde them ſo faſt, that one cannot pull them out of their clawes, for the Canons do ſerue to their inſatiable auarice. This deadly Harpy hath deuoured all the world: ſhe hath taken away all the goods: ſhe hath endamaged the ſoules and bodyes: ſhe hath ſtollen vnto hir all honours.

ſixtly, the belly and the ſtomacke, the which do re The belly and the ſtomacke of a womanſemble the belly and ſtomacke of a woeman, ſignifie the body of the Pope: That is to ſay the Cardinals, Archbiſhops, Biſhops, Abbots, Moonkes, Priests, and other execrable ſpirituall Martirs, and all the reſt of his bawdes, and fatte hogges, which haue none other care all their lyfe time but to féede and pamper their paunches with delycious wynes and delycate diſhes: to ſéeke their eaſe and all the allurements and entiſe ⸗ments to whoredome, & to kéepe themſelues in al plea ⸗ſures and Ioleneſſe, and to giue themſelues vnto all monſtrous infamies. The which they may very very well doe, and fréely: For they haue many priuiledges, wherewith they are wel armed and munited for to be exempted from all puniſhment. As we doe ſée this Po ⸗piſh Aſſe who ſheweth before all mens eyes openly, VVhat it is to shew the belly naked. and without any ſhame his belly of a woeman, naked and bare: euen ſo theſe, without any ſhame, doe lead a diſſolute and wanton lyfe, full of all filthineſſe and wickedneſſe. That which they doe is to the horri ⸗ble offence and hurt anf to the vtter ruine & deſtruction of the ?youth of all nations as the déede it ſelfe doth ſuf ⸗ficiently declare.

There is a manifeſt deſcription of this in Daniel, and in the ſeconde Epiſtle vnto Timothe the thirde Tim.3.2.4 chapter, wher it is ſayd that they are more gréedy vpon volup⸗ c1r of a Popish Aſſse.. 5 voluptuiuſneſſe then the louers of God. Alſo vnto the Philippians the iij. Chapter. They doe make their bel Philip.3.d.19ly their God.

Let vs heare alſo that which is ſayd in the ſecond The deſcription of the popish Clergie after 3. Peter. Epiſtle of ſaint Peter the ſeconde Chapter. Name ⸗ly them that walke aftter the fleſh, in the luſt of vn ⸗cleaneneſſe, and deſpiſe the gouernement: preſumptu 2.Peter.2.c.10ous are they, and ſtande in their owne conceite, and feare not to ſpeake evill of them, that are indignity. When the Angells which are greater both in power and might, giue not railing iudgement againſt them be ⸗fore the Lord.

But theſe as brute beaſtes, ledde with naturll ſenſualitie and made to that ende, that béeing taken they ſhoulde bée deſtroyed, ſpeake euill of thoſe thinges whiche they knowe not, and ſhall periſhe through their owne corruption. And ſhall receiue the rewarde of vnrighteouſneſſe, as they whiche count it pleaſure to line deliciouſlye for a reaſon. ſpottes they are and blottes, delightinge themselues in that they deceiue you, in feaſtinge with you. Hauinge eyes full of aduontrye, and that cannot ceaſe to ſinne, begylinge vnſtable ſoules: they haue heartes occu ⸗pyed with couetouſneſſe, deteſtable fellowes. Which forſakinge the right waye & haue gone a ⸗ſtraye followinge the waye of Balaam the ſonne of Boſor, whiche loued the rewarde of vnrighteouſ ⸗neſſe: But hée was rebuked for his iniquitie, for the dumme beaſt whereon hée ſate ſpeaking with mans voyce, forhbadde the fooliſhneſſe of the Prophet. Theſe are wells without water and cloudes caryed aboute with tempeſt, to whom the blacke darkneſſe is reſer ⸗ued for euer.

For in ſpeakinge ſwellinge woordes of vani ⸗tye, they begyle with wantonneſſe through the C. luſtes c1v The declaration luſtes of the fleſh men that were cleane eſcaped from them which are wrapped in errours, promiſinge vnto them libertie, and are themſelues the bond ſeruaunts of corruption.

And truely this doth liuely ſette out the Pope, and The lively pain ting out of the popish king -dome. paynteth him in his right couloures, and vnco ⸗uereth fullye the feminine bellye of the Popiſhe Aſſe.

Beholde hoew the filthy and vile ſingle lyfe of the papiſticall Prieſtes and Moonkes, muſt bée figured and declared, whiche haue defiled the holy maryage through execrable filthyneſſe.

For in verye déede, holyneſſe and honeſtye of mariage cannot bée ſette out and repreſented by ſuch an unſhameleſſe and vnhoneſt Image. But rather it is beautified by the woorde and bleſſing of GOD, and by greate meruayles, and as it were decked and gar ⸗niſhed with a goodly argument, and placed in a highe place.

It is moſt true that there are others alſo whiche dooe hurte and defile themſelues with a manifeſt turpitude and filthyneſſe, as wée maye ſpeake this of the Panyms and Turkes, and as there bée a greate manye prophane people amonge the Chriſti ⸗ans, adulterers, whooremaiſters, whoores and moſt wicked Wolues.

Yet notwithſtandinge thoſe doe nothinge but that is to the great preiudice of theire renowne, and in daunger to looſe all honour: as they are neuer without feare, whether they bée hanged on the gal ⸗lowes, or that they bée euill ſpoken off, or that eue ⸗ry manne doth mocke them, lyilinge out theire tongue, or that they bée torne in péeces by force or outrage. But theſe wicked villaines, effeminate, im The Pope and his, are without shame.pudent, bellyes full of all filthyneſſe, doe couer and cloake c2r of a Popish Aſſse. 6 cloake themſelues with the name of CHRIST, and dooe lette ſlippe the bridle vnto all maddneſſe and wickedneſſe, and doe giue themſelues licence without fearinge anye puniſhment, without ca ⸗ringe to bée rebuked : And not onely that, but al ⸗ſo with all these deteſtable villanyes, they woulde bée called ſpirituall, the holye Fathers, and the Catholicke Churche. And béeinge not yet con ⸗tent with that, they goe aboute to purſue, cha ⸗ſtice, and ſpitte in other mennes faces, bicauſe of the moate that they ſée in theire eyes and of the Gnatte and lyttle Flye that they doe ſée them ſwallowe downe: And yet they will not that anye ſhoulde checke and rebuke the greate beame that The Popish Clergie will not be rebuked. is in theire eye, nor the Camell that they haue ſwallowed downe: But on the contrarye, that the blemyſhes ſo apparaunte and euident maye bée hydde and couered, yea, beautified and ſette out with the tytle of IESUS CHRIST and of the Church.

Even ſo truelye, there is neither ſacryledger, nor murtherer, théeſe, nor whooremaſter, whiche abuſeth the maieſtie of the name of the ſonne of GOD and of the Churche, for to hide theire ere ⸗crable filthyneſſe, but that whooriſh bellye of Ante ⸗chriſt.

And therefore the murthers, theftes, the mon ⸗ſtrous whooredomes, the horrible wickedneſſes of this Idoll of Rome, doe ſurmounte a greate deale the wickedneſſes, crueltyes, and maddeneſſe, of Nero.

ſeauenthlye, the ſcales of Fiſhes, wherewith The ſcales of fish. the arme, the féete, and the necke of that Popiſhe Aſſe are coured, and not the bellye nor the breſt, dooe ſignifie the Princes and ſeculer Lordes. For the C.ij. ſea c2v The declaration ſea is oftentimes taken in the ſcripture for the worlde, and the fiſhes for the men of the worlde: As Ieſus Christ himſelfe interpreteth the Nets of ſaint Peter, Mat. 4. when hée ſayde, I will make you fiſhers Mat.4.c.19. of men.

The ſcales doe ſignifie an embracinge or tyinge VVhat ſcales doe ſignigifie in the Scripture. together as the Lorde ſayth in the .41. Chapter of Iob. his body is couered with ſcales a it were with ſhéeldes lockt in, knit, and well compact together. Iob.41.2.6. One is ſo ioyned to another, that no ayre can come in. Even ſo the Princes and other greate Lordes of the worlde haue always cleaued and ſtande faſt The princes do cleaue alvvayes vnto the Pope. together, and are yet at this daye lynked and tyed vnto the Pope and to his barberous, and tyranni ⸗call kingdome.

It is very true that they cannot allowe, hyde neither prayſe, nor cloake, his dronkenneſſe, his glut ⸗tonye, his horrible whooredomes, his vnlawfull vo ⸗luptuouſeneſſe: For one cannot rightly there perceiue any ſcales which doe couer his ſtomacke and his bel ⸗ly Notwithſtanding that by their cloaking thereoft, in hidinge their eyes, and ſuffering that that they doe ſée, they are ſo much the more ſurely tyed and lincked faſt to the necke, legs, féete and armes: that is to ſaye, they doe embrace, defende and mainteine his greatneſſe and magnificence, and his barbarous and his tyrannicall eſtate, as an eſtate lawfull and or ⸗deined by the woorde of GOD. And that ſame doth exalt and lift vp his creſt very proudly and with an arrogant and proude obſtination.

To conclude, they do confirme his ſpirituall and poli ⸗tique gouernment, by decrées and ordinaunces not to be borne with: they doe beautifie them with goodly Canons, and do eſtabliſh his pompes and royall facul ⸗ties through ſtraunge doctrines.

Furthermore, c3r of a Popish Aſſse. 7 Furthermore, to the ende that the ground & foun Antechriſt made ſtrong by the giftes and foundations of Princes.dation of that retrayt of Antechriſt be more firme and ſure and to endure and continue the longer, they doe make lay mens teſtament and willes, they heape vp to them reuenewes, they conſtitute Monaſteries, they buyld Temples, they doe ordaine Conuents and Col ⸗ledges of vnmaried people, as of Markettes and open Faires of ſuch manner of Canoniſts, Dunces ſophi ⸗ſters, Beggers, Preachers for money, Confeſſors and Doctors: and as of publique exerciſes and Theaters, of whom one can heare nothing to ſounde, but of the ſpillyng and marring of the celeſtiall doctrine. And for to ſpeake briefely, the great goods the riches and fauou ⸗rers of the world are ſo wel and ſo firmely and ſtrong ⸗ly tyed and faſtened vnto him, that there is neyther winde nor blaſt, there is neither ſpiritual doctrine nei ⸗ther word of God, which can ſeperate or plucke them, from him.

Eightly, the head of the olde man iſſuing out of The head of the olde man iſſu-ing out of his buttockes. his buttockes, doth ſignifie the decreaſe, the oldeneſſe, and the ende of the Popes kingdome. For the fore part or the face in the holy ſcriptures doth ſignifie the encreaſe or aduauncement: and the hinde part or the backe, or the buttockes, doe ſignifie the declynation and the ende, as you haue lyke ſpeach in the viij.chap.of Saint Paul to the Hebrewes: That which is diſanul Heb.8.d.18.led and waxed olde, is ready to vaniſh away. Then that monſtrous figure declareth that the barbarons ti ⸗ranny of the Pope is now come vnto his laſt ende, and that of himſelfe it ought to waxe olde and come to nought without any swoorde or outwarde violence, as it is foreſhewed in the eight Chapter of Daniel, Daniel.8.g.25. that he ſhall bée deſtroyed without hande. For there is ſo great encreaſe of ſuperſtitions, and ſuch a bun ⸗dell and fardell of vices, that of neceſſitie his owne C.iii. waight c3v The declaration waight muſt cauſe him to fall downe: and that the gronings, complaynts, and ſighings of all people & na ⸗tions may be heard: Foraſmuch as the word of God hath diſcouered and reuealed before all mens eyes, his impietie, malice and crueltie.

Euen ſo the glory of this worlde paſſeth, and the playe is nigh at an ende. After this ſorte then wée doe ſée, that that Image or figure agréeth properly with all the Prophecie of the eight chapter of Daniel: and that the one and the other are agréeing with the Papiſticall kingdome.

Ninthly, the dragon comming foorth of arſe of that The Dragon comming foorth of the Aſſes arſe popiſh Aſſe, and caſting out of his open mouth a great flame of fire, ſignifieth the horrible buls and the terri ⸗ble lyghtnings of excommunication, & the tempeſtious threatnings which the Popes and his abherents doe ſpewe out furiously vpon all the worlde, when they doe ſée their ende nigh at hande, and that they muſt periſh ſodeinely.

For this is the latter and moſt furious rage and The latter tem ⸗peſt of the Ro⸗mish An:echriſt madneſſe of Antechriſt: this is his latter endeauour, yea, if peraduenture theſe rauenours may kéepe whole that abhomination, through the eſtoniſhments and threats of the bulls, and afterwardes through lyes, wrongsm curſings, enchauntments, pricking iniuryes, and bitter ſcoffings of his goodly rhetoricians, as Eccius, Fabor, Emſerus, Wicelius, and other lyke. The Popes Rhe ⸗thoriciners Notwithſtanding the time is come that wée haue no more néede of ſuch ayde nor of ſuch defendours. For what ſhall the Dragon winne to bite the cloudes? What ſhal he gaine to burne the aire with his flames? And truly there is none that feareth thoſe poyſoned bulls and full of curſings and enchauntments: For ⸗aſmuch as the lyght of the truth is ſo cléerely kindeled and lyghted.

Tenthly, c4r of a Popish Aſſse. 8 Tenthly, for that this Popiſh Aſſe hath bene found Rome, the place vvhere the po-pish Aſſe hath bene found. at Rome, and not at an other place, doth confirme that which hath bene recited before, that the ſame cannot be vnderſtanded of any other power and domi ⸗nation then of Rome.

For at this daye in our time, there is no power which is lyke or more greater in the Citie of Rome, then that of the Pope. For GOD hath alwayes declared by meruaylous ſignes and tokens in thoſe pla ⸗ces which thoſe ſignes doe ſignifie and betoken ſome thing, as it happened Hieruſulem, and for that that this Monſter was founde dead, that is an argument that the ende of the Popes kingdome draweth on faſt.

And wée muſt haue neyther ſworde nor any ſtrength of man for to put it downe: But the hea ⸗uenly vertue, ſhall cauſe that of himſelfe it ſhall bée o ⸗uerthrowen. For this prodigious Monſter was not killed by any counſell or meanes of men: But was founde dead, and was reuealed by the ſingular proui ⸗dence of God.

Finally, I would admoniſh euery one not to deſpiſe We must not deſpise mon⸗ſtrous ſignesſuch a prodigious ſigne ſent of the Maieſtie of GOD, and to beware of the peſtilent contagiouſneſſe of Ante ⸗chriſt and his members, and to flée from him. And to be afrayd of him.

It is moſt certeyne that GOD hath vſed to ⸗wardes vs a moſt greate benignitie and gentleneſſe, for that hée hath ſette foorth before vs, Antechriſt in a figure ſo vyle and diſ?formed, as paynted in a table with handes, that God will effectually prouide for our heath, and deſireth that we be drawen out of that deteſtable retrayte of immortall impietie of that ſtraunge beaſt.

And c4v The declaration And as touching the Papiſts, according as their boylying phrenſie and their impetuous madneſſe well meriteth, they may thinke on this, or let them not be angry: As in déede there is neither ſigne nor miracles The Pope & his do comdempne all ſignes and miracles. ſent by the hande of God, which can moue them ney ⸗ther aſtoniſh or warne them. But as Gyants without feare, they doe beat and fight agaynſt the lyghtning and thundrings: and doe follow their fathers, Pha ⸗rao and Chore, whereoff the one was drowned in the waues of the ſea, and the other ſwallowed vp in the earth: and both of them are ſunke euen to the bottome of hell. But we for our parts lette vs reioyce and take comfort, & let vs put this ſigne in the number of thoſe who do declare vnto vs day ſo long deſired, ſo health ⸗full ſo goodly, the comming of our Lord and redéemer Ieſus Chriſt.

In the meane time, let vs ſuffer our enemies to do as they lyſt, and to kicke obſtinately againſt the pricke. And let vs behold whether the troubles that they haue heaped vp more and more, ſhall be to moleſt and grieue God or themſelues. Neuertheleſſe I am not much an ⸗gry with them, foraſmuch as they are ſo trouble the heauen with the earth.

O good God, if I were ſo paynted foorth at Gods hande, with a figure and ſhape ſo odious and terrible, I could in no manner abide and ſuffer it. For eyther I ſhould dye for very feare, except that I had an heart of yron or ſtéele, as they haue: Or els I ſhould burſt and cleaue aſunder, with deſpite, choler and madneſſe. What is he then that goeth about, eyther by counſell or by commaundement, to obtayne of them, that they would pardon the Lorde Ieſus one ſuch contuinely and wrong which is done vnto them by ſuch an Image or figure, Inaſmuch d1r of a Popish Aſse. 9 Inaſmuch as they being reprehēded or reproued with one onely letter of the word of God, are ſodeinly enfla ⸗med with anger and rage? For as much as the Lord doth ſuffer them to eleuate themſelues againſt him, al ⸗though that they doe handle his word after ſo wicked and cruell faſhion. Yea, in the figure of a Diuell they He meaneth the execrable Idoll of the Cake in the Maſſe. doe ſet him foorth the one to the other, for to laugh and mocke: and yet it doth not anger him: makinge him to belieue that the ſame is good to his Church, and that they doe it by his commaundement. What is hée The horror of the papiſticall impietie. that dareth thinke any other thin?g or gayneſay them, except that his is willing that all their furies, paines, enchauntments, and torments of hell do fall vpon him? For their fury is irremiſſible and is not with ⸗out great force, for as much as they are of the high Gods exalted aboue all the gods, according to that ſaint Paul and the Pro ⸗phet Daniel, ſpea ⸗keth off. (,',)

Printers flowers.
D.THE d1vThe declaration

¶ THE APPROBATION of Martyn Luther.

This Popiſh Aſſe is of himſelfe a mon ⸗ſtrous figure, fearefull & horrible, and the more that the one doth behold him the more terrible he appeareth, But behold which is the moſt terribleſt of all, that God himſelfe hath formed and reuea ⸗led this monſter, as a figure full of fearefulneſſe. For if any workeman had drawen it, painted or engraued it, one might well mock of it, and not to paſſe on it. But bicauſe that the holy diuine maieſtie hath formed and made it and that he hath ſet before vs ſuch a figure, it behoueth all men to tremble, when and as often as the ſame doth come in their remembraunce: and that they be eſtonned & amazed, as of a thing of which one may eaſily coniecture of the thought, counſell and will of God.

Is there any man in the world which would not be afraide, if he ſhould ſée a wicked ſpirite, or a phancie, or if he doe heare any ſodeine bruite or noiſe, or any gro God doth shewe himſelfe irreconcilable vnder figure of the Popish Aſſe.ning or lamentation of ſpirites. Yet notwithſtanding one ought not to eſtéeme the ſame but as a falſe viſage or a play of little children, in compariſon of this Image and monſtrous figure. In which god himſelfe appeared in a terrible forme, ſhewing an vnappeaſable ſeueri ⸗tie. Wée muſt neceſſaryly ſay, that there is a terrible indignation of God kindled againsſt that Idoll if An ⸗techriſt, the which all that company and raſcalls of the Pope, doe ſtirre vp and prouoke as of a ſet purpoſe and of an hard froward ſtubburneneſſe: &? the beginings doe agrée ſo well and ſo fitly, that one can in no wiſe doubt.

For as much then as Sodome had of ſo long time and d2r of a popiſh Aſse. 10 and through ſo execrable miſdéedes prouoked Gods wrath: and as the ruine béeinge nigh at hande, there reſted but a little time to repent them: then ſhée dyd giue hir ſelfe fréely vnto all execrable wickedneſſe, and hardned hir ſelde with ſuch obſtinacy, that ſhe did plain ⸗ly mocke God, and did exalt hir ſelfe againſt him with an intollerable fierceneſſe and cruelneſſe. But ſcantly the heauen had giuen hir cléerneſſe the next day mor ⸗ning, but beholde it was ſodeinly ſwallowed vp & con ⸗ſumed. We muſt not doubt, but that all that band of the Pope doth ſpinne all one thréed. They haue hether ⸗to let ſlippe the bridle vnto all deteſtable filthyneſſe: rebellious people & altogether obſtinate againſt God: béeing drawen from the iuſt obedience of mans domi ⸗nations, as if they were bretheren germaines of Epi ⸗cures: yea, and not beléeuing as the Diuells doe, who doe tremble when they heare God ſpoken off, as the ſcripture ſayeth: and vnderſtandinge nothing of hea ⸗uenly things, haue no more care of the bleſſed life and of eternall health and ſalutation then the moſt groſſeſt Aſſe that euer was. As in very déed they haue this opi ⸗nion of the Goſpell, that it is a fable: and doe iudge of the Christian faith, yt it is the faining of a Poet with ⸗out grace or fauour, according to that goodly sentence & Oracle of Epicures, al is nothing els but duſt & mocke ⸗ry, and all is nothing. And although that before the time of their fall & ruine they are exhorted by ſo many ſtraunge figures and fearefull ſignes ſent of GOD, for to call them to repentaunce: yet neuertheleſſe they are the more obſtinate and out of all order: in ſuch ſorte that they doe heape vp, nouriſh and augement more and more, a proude, negligence and arrogant profanations: In ſo much that with muche adooe they themſelues can ſuffer their raſhneſſe, boldeneſſe and wickedneſſe.

D.ij. And d2v The declaration And as though there were no heauenly and celeſtiall anger, nor maieſtie in heauen for to breake and diſperſe their rages, in the meane ſeaſon doe mocke of theſe fearefull ſignes, as if they were deceiuing ſhadowes, or flying dreames.

ſuch a fooliſh boldneſſe and brutiſh aſſuraunce is an euident argument of the inenarrable wrath of the Lorde, who will ſuppreſſe and conſume thoſe hoggiſh Epicures, and dull aſſes, before they are a ⸗ware of it. Then onely with feare and trembling they will learne to crye and howle. But God of his owne accorde will not heare them, as it is ſayde in the firſt Chapter of the Prouerbes, yée haue forſaken my coun Pro.I.d.25ſayle, and haue deſpiſed all my corrections: There ⸗fore ſhall I laugh in your deſtruction, and mocke you, when the thing that yée feare commeth vpon you.

One may knowe for a truth that Sathan is a great and a mightie ſpirite, who holding vnder him she vnderſtandinges and mindes of men as ſlaues, bendeth, and driueth them with ſuch violence, that not onely they doe plunge themſelues within the vi ⸗ces (which séemeth rather to bée a woorke of a little diuell, learning his occupation). But alſo doe make open warre againſt God of their owne frée will. For we must thinke, what that tyranny is: how deſperate that furor and madneſſe is, when a miſerable man be ⸗ing conſtrayned and compelled in his conſcience, can put foorth that woorde, and to confeſſe for certeyne, this is the woord of God, of which I doe not doubte: But although that the ſonne of God hath pronounced if, the Apoſtles haue preached it: Yet neuertheleſſe I will shut the eyes, I will stop the eares for to reiect it, & will withſtand it hand & foote, & will perſecute & con ⸗demne it as a pernicious hereſy. And if ther be any one in meane time which wil render obedience vnto god, to d3r of a popiſhe Aſse. 11 to beléeue the goſpell, and will not conſent with me: I will kill him, I will baniſh him from his enheritance, I will not ſuffer him to dwell in any place: And will doe all that in despite of the word of God.

O good God, had I euer thought in al my lyfe time, to haue ſéene ſo great ſinnes, ſuch a rage and ſo furi ⸗ous crueltie of the enemyes of Goſpell, at ſuch time as I did not yet but lay the firſt foundation of this cause? And neuertheleſſe (alas) I doe ſee thoſe things The vvorde of God & his truth called hereſie by the Papiſts. now, béeing conſtrayned to heare, that the word of god the truth that is confeſſed and knowen, to be called he ⸗reſie: and to be baniſhed and driuen away most vilay ⸗nouſly, as buryed.

Of right such vipers are figured and noted by the Dragons head, which commeth out of the arſe of this Popiſh Aſſe, ſpewing out a retrayt full of filthineſſe. The Popish Aſſe a peece of carrion vvith-out lyfe. But thankes be vnto God, both the Dragon and the Popiſh Aſſe are but a péece of carrion, and ſhall take vnto them agayne neyther lyfe nor ſtrength, nor ſhall neuer recouer their dignitie & tyranny (the which they doe promiſe neuerthelesse) for any thing that the diuell doth in them. For it is ſayd in the Créede, I be ⸗léeue in God the father almightie. It is ſaid alſo that he that abideth in vs, is more greater then hée that is in the world. And although that the diuell haue great power, yet he ſhal not be altoge ⸗ther puissant. This is an infallible rule. (.'.)


HEERE FOLLOWETH THE POR- trayture or Figure of the other, that is to wit, of a Moonkiſh Calfe, calued after this faſhion in the Citie of Friberge in the countrey of Misne. Anno. 1528.

Woodcut of 'moonkish calfe' with a malformed head and cowl around his neck. The calfe's tongue is outstretched and he walks on two legs with one hoof outstretched. The environment around him is natural, with clouds in the sky and plants on the ground.

THE INTER -pretacion of Martin Luther, of the Monster, in the figure and lyke -neſſe of a Moonkish Calfe, drawen out in the leafe before.

AS touching the Propheticall in ⸗terpretacion of this Moonkiſh Calfe, I will leaue it to the ſpi ⸗rit: for I am no prophet. Yet ne ⸗uertheles one may well affirme this generally of many ſuch mer uayles, that God doth ſend them as preſages and forewarnings of ſorrowfull aduentures, motions, brutes, troubles and commotions to come. And I doe exhort Germa ny to aſſure themſelues boldly and to attende certeine ⸗ly ſuch commings. But to determine of chaunces and to foreſhew how long time they shall continue, or in what time the delyueraunce ſhall come, the ſame be ⸗longeth to the Prophets.

As for me, I will deſire willingly that the latter day were at hande: the which I alſo doe thinke, that the dayes wherein we are, are as forerunners of that bleſſed day, the which will not tary long after. And me thinketh that the cause that I haue to hope ſo, is not friuolous nor vaine. And in very déede, before time ther hath ben almost a continuation of certeine worlds, in which men haue séene dayly monſtrous things, and worthy of great admiration: And at this day all the worlde burning with a terrible heat, bringeth forth mo ⸗tions very pernicious, who commonly are not appea ⸗ſed without great chaunges & alterations of kingdoms. To conclude, that the lyght of the Gospell, ſhineth now d4v The interpretation now wonderfully, the which commonly was wont to bring with it alterations, troubles and tempeſts, bi ⸗cauſe of the hard obſtination, and furious ragings of the wicked.

And truly I will not ſpeake but of things which are true: and will ſhew wherefore God hath set foorth ſuch a ſigne in that Moonkiſh Calfe, and for what cauſe hée hath defiled the religious habite or apparayle with one so vyle a ſpotte: Foraſmuch as without the habite of a Moonke hée might ſignifie and declare the euills to come as properly and well by any other ſhew or token. Euen ſo then it is not long ſithence that by his pro ⸗uidence was calued at Langdesberge a certeine Canon Calfe, or a Moonkiſh Calfe. It declareth thereby, that all religious men and Moonkes ought to haue their eyes thereon ſtill fixed, and that he beholdeth them, and that he hath determined to puniſh them: For this ſame yeare he will vse none other miracles, then thoſe which haue reſpecte vnto ſuch holy and ſpirituall peo ⸗ple.

For god paynting out of late that excellent Monarch Daniel 8.d of Alexander king of Macedonia vnder the figure and lykeneſſe of a Goate, besides the Propheticall interpre ⸗tacion of the discomfiture and vanquishing to come: he hath alſo ſet foorth and repreſented the nature of the Grecians, which are wanton as the Goates. And all that that they haue conceiued in their minde how high and harde that it be, they hope to bring it to paſſe, and to atteine vnto it through good councells, through great viuacitie and ſtoutneſſe of the minde.

In lyke manner in this figure of this Moonkiſh Calfe, beſides the Propheticall declaration, there is al ⸗ſo an Image or figure of the lyfe, of the doctrine of the ſeruices and obſeruations of the Moonkes: And it is possible that thereby there is an aduertisement of the cauſe e1r of a Moonkiſh Calfe. 13 cauſe of the calamities nighe at hande. That is to ſaye, that the ſuperſtitions, the deceites and wicked ⸗neſſe of the Moonkes, doe cauſe the puniſhment to in ⸗creaſe, for as much as by the Phariſaycall doctrine of woorkes, they doe aboliſh the fayth which is in our Lorde Ieſus Chriſt, and doe tranſforme and chaunge into the fleſh of a Calfe mans heart, which ought to bée the Temple of the holy Ghoſt. Furthermore, let an other drawe the propheticall ſence: as for mée for to pleaſe my order, I haue taken vpon me to interpret my Moonkiſh Calfe: The Canon Calfe ſhall haue an other for his expoſiter.

For ſo much the more willingly doe I take the charge to make this declaration, for that I doe ſée that the obſtinate courages and more harder then the rockes, of thoſe which ſhall bée grieued with this my explication, ſhall bée ſo much the more wounded and ſhall bée come more eger. As in very déede they doe arrogantlye deſpiſe all that whiche commeth out of my mouth, and doe babble euery where, that all my woordes are as much to bée eſtéemed as the ſpittinges of heretickes. For that cauſe they ought not alſo now The interpretation made for to harden the heartes of those vvhich do giue no credit vnto the aduertiſmēts of the faithfull. to giue any credite vnto mine aduertiſement, but doe waxe more harde harted, and doe make themſelues more and more obſtinate, hurting and moleſting them ⸗ſelues more then euer any did, and forſake not their fil ⸗thy and wicked lyfe, as it is ſayde in Eſay the ſixte Eſa 6.c.10. Chapter, harden the heart of this people, ſtoppe their eares, and ſhutte their eyes, that they ſée not with their eyes, heare not with their eares, and vnder ⸗ſtande not with their heartes, and conuerte and bée healed.

Euen as then Balaam coulde by no meanes obey The Papiſtes hearts hardened after the exam- ple of Balaam. the woorde of God, and although hée was rebuked by his Aſſe ſpeaking vnto him in a mans voice, yet E. neuer⸗ e1v The interpretation neuerthelesse hée could not amende it: ſo one may ſay the lyke of thoſe holy Fathers, which haue hetherto ſtopped their eares at the cléere voyce of the veritie of the Goſpell. Nowe they ought to beholde themſelues in this Calfe and in the Cowe, as in a glaſſe, and to conſider what they are before God, and what reputa ⸗cion and what voice they haue in heauen. And yet ne ⸗uertheleſſe they ought to ſhut their eyes that they doe ſée nothing of all this, whereoff they may repent them ⸗selues, for to auoid the horrible iudgement of God. For there is neither forewarning, word nor ſigne that could The hearts har -dened after the example of Pha rao. moue or bend the hard heart of Pharao.

Firſt, that I may ſpeak briefly, thinke not, that the ſame is a mockery or a fable, that God hath clothed a Calfe with a religious habite, & with a Moonkes coole. Wée muſt not doubt, but that he noteth by that Image or figure, a certeine aſſemble of people, of whiche one may cléerely knowe, that the Moonkery is nothing els but a vaine appearaunce and ſhewe of godlyneſſe, and The Moonkery is but a vaine appearaunce. outward hipocriſie of a holy lyfe allowed of God. For euen vntil this times we poore and miſerable men haue had this opinion and haue beléeued, that the holy Ghoſt dwelleth vnder the frocke, and that the ſame habit doth couer nothing but the holy Ghoſt.

But God hath reuealed héere, that there is nothing vnder that habite but a Calfe. As if he would ſhewe that there is a ſerpent hid vnder the graſſe. For the golden calfe of Aaron, lifted vp in the wilderneſſe, vn The golden Calfe of Aaronto whom the children of Iſrael did repreſent & giue the honour that apperteined and belonged vnto God, Exo- dus Chapter. 32. teacheth playnelye what the Calfe Exo.32. may ſignifie. It is ſayde in the 106. Pſalme. They Pſa.106.c.28 haue turned their glory into ſimilitude of a Calfe, that eateth hay. It is ſpoken alſo of Calues of Iere a.Reg.12boam, made in Bethell and Dan. 1. Reg. Chapter. 12. againſt e2r of a Moonkish Calfe 14 againſt whome the Prophets haue cryed very ſharp ⸗ly. In lyke manner let vs beholde a little that ſame Moonkiſh Calfe, howe that his coole doth repreſent there a figure of all the order of Moonkes, with al their ſeruices and diuine obſeruatiōs, of which they do make ſo great accompt:as of their Pater noſter, ſo oftentimes repeted, of faire of their Maſſes, of their goodly ſongs, and faſtings, and other lyke.

But vnto whom is that goodly ſeruice represented? who is honoured? of whome doth it depende? vnto whom is it tyed and faſtened? vnto the Calfe. For the Calfe is clothed with a frock, as we may ſée heere. And what is that Calfe? It is an Idoll forged and The Calfe is an Idoll forged in the ſpirites of Moonkes. made, abiding and dwelling in their ſpirites full of de ⸗ceites. What is that that theſe things doo? They do af ⸗ter this ſorte. Theſe holy Maſters haue an opinion imprinted in their vnderſtanding, that in their Moon ⸗kiſh and ſolitary religion, they doe ſerue and render o The religion of the Moonkes builded vpon ceremonies and outvvard worksbedience vnto the true God, the whiche religion they haue conſtituted in Ceremonies & obſeruations of cer ⸗teine outward woorkes, by which they doe thinke that they haue well deserued heauen: and not in the certein ⸗ty & truſt which embraceth the benefit of Ieſus Chriſt.

For it is euen thus, that there is no God, either in heauē or earth which would be ſo ſerued & worſhipped but diuel & the Idols. For none can ſerue nor obey the true God, but in ſpirit & truth, Iohn 4. Chapter: That Iohn.4.c.24 is to ſay, in faith and true & ſpirituall mouinges of the ſpirit, the which the holy Ghoſt doth create, ſtirre vp, & quicken in vs Eſa. Chapter. lv. Wherfore theſe falſe Eſa.55. religious people cannot offer vnto any their ſeruices, which they do cloak & hide vnder the name of God, & in the meane time turning themſelues from all the ordi The ſeruice of the Monks can not profit any man.nances & heauenly manifeſtations, & cannot bring them back againe, nor ſet thē vp, but in reioyſing & flattering C.ij. their e2v The interpretation their vaine imaginations, the which they haue forged of their own braine, dreaming that ſuch ſeruices & ob ⸗seruations are agréeable vnto God. ſuch fooliſh and fonde imagination is nothing but lyings and an Idoll inuented and forged of their owne braine, neither more nor leſſe, but euen as the Panims or Iewes doe forge ſtraunge Gods. Beholde, this is the Calfe, this is the impietie: this is the carnal opinion couered and hid with the religious habite: this is the Idoll to the which they are bounde and tyed, the which they dooe garniſh and beautifie with Ceremonies and with a goodly kinde of ſhewes. The Calfe doth not liue but of hearbes and graſſe. For ſuch hipocrites haue no knowledge of the eternall goodneſſe, but doe fat them ⸗ſelues with the pleaſures of this preſent lyfe: As one may playnly ſée that the moſt puiſſanteſt and ample ri VVhat it is to be nourished & fed vvith graſſeches, and the moſt greateſt pleaſures, and the moſt higheſt dignities and honours are belonging vnto the people of the Church, as one calleth them. And euen ſo theſe Calues haue found graſſe for their owne tooth. And this is happened vnto them, that they haue tur Pſa.106.c.10ned their glory into the ſimilitude of a Calfe that ea ⸗teth Haye. For Chriſt is our true glory, in whom wée muſt triumph, glory, and reioyce. Theſe héere cleane contrarye, doe ſéeke an other glorye in their heartes, and doe aduaunce and bragge themſelues verye proudly of the truſt of their merites and woorkes. ſuch a Calfe is come in the ſtéed of Ieſus Chriſt, & in vſurping the name of him, he doth blaſpheme and diſ ⸗honour it.

Secondly, the Moonkiſh apparaile rent full of holes VVhat doth ſig nifie the ſkinneof this Calfe, being torne or rēt. about the thighes, féete, and belly, doe ſignifie that in that ſolytarie religion and in thoſe Ceremonies and obſeruations ful of deceits, there is no agréeing that is perfect or whole: And yet the holye ſcripture re ⸗quireth e3r of a Moonkish Calfe. 15 quireth chiefely and before all things, that the Chri ⸗ſtians and faythfull be of one felowſhippe and vnitie. As it is ſayde in the 133. Pſalme, O how good and Pſa. ioyfull a thing it is: bretheren to dwell together in vnitie.

But theſe madde braynes, ſuperſticious and too holy Moonkes knew very well to forge, inuent & finde out ſo many differences of ſectes and opinions, as there is of diuers apparayle among them. The Cordeliers, that is of the order of ſainct Fraunces, doe magnifie The frocke de- uided into ma-ny ſects. their order: The Iacopins, that is of the order of ſaint Dominicke, their rule: The Benedictines will in no caſe looſe their honour: The Augustines do goe on the right ſide: The Charterhouſe Moonkes on the lefte: The Celeſtines doe keepe their company: To conclude, there is not one but that he thinketh himſelfe very fine and trimme in his apparel. ſo we ſeing that the frocke is rent and torne about the thighes and féete of that Calfe: Although that all were of one will and did a ⸗grée well, aſmuch as concerneth the apparell of the Calfe: that is to ſay, although that all did nouriſh that obſtinate opinion in their hearts: to wit that they did doubt or diſtrust of the mercie of God: and on the con ⸗trary did leane and ſtay vppon the affiaunce and car ⸗nall aſſurance of their woorkes, according to their ob ⸗ſeruations.

We ſhall know this more cléerely, if wée doe vn The thighes do ſignifie extre-mitie.derſtande the ende and extremitie by the thighes, and if we will make of the féete proppes by the which this Calfe, that is to ſay, this falſe Maſke, is holden vp and maynteined. For there was neuer ſo many ſects, ſo ma ⸗ny houſholds, ſo many differences, ſo many names, ſo many orders, or rather diſorders brought in, as haue bene ſéene in our time, when the ende is nigh, and that that byle should breake: ſéeing that the vani ⸗E.iij. tie, e3v The interpretation tie and the deceits are vncouered and made knowen, ſo ſhall wee ſee all this infection to fall downe. The féete doe ſignifie thoſe bolde bretheren and o VVhat the feet of this Calfe do ſignifie.thers, thoſe ſophiſters, and our worſhipfull masters which haue the preheminēce aboue other: & which are the moſt boldeſt, and the moſt ſkilfull or cunningeſt Cloyſterers, who do know full well to kéepe, amplifie and eſtabliſh the dignitie and great authoritie of that Moonkiſh religion, eyther by writings, preachings, lec ⸗tures, diſputacions or doctrines: and doe endeauour themſelues with all their ſtrength thereto, and doe im ⸗print it into the heartes of the people throughout the whole world. For euery trifling thing they fall out and diſagrée among themſelues: and as many as there be The Moonkes diſagreeing in opinions. The Calfe doth counterfait the Moonkish Preachers. of heads among them, ſo many opinions there be. Thirdly, this Calfe repreſenteth the geſture and countenaunce of a Preacher. For he ſtandeth vpright vppon his hinder féete: and of the two fore féete, he caſt ⸗eth the right after the manner of a Preacher, and holdeth backe the lefte, hée hath his heade lyfted vp: he putteth out his tongue: there is nothing in him, which doth not repreſent those greate Cryers in the fleſh.

Euen then as the Popish Aſſe hath bene an Image The Moonkes the Apoſtles of the Pope. or figure of the Papiſticall kingdome, so this Moonkiſh Calfe doth repreſent the Apoſtles and Diſciples of the Pope, in ſuch ſort that all the world doth well ſée what Doctors or Preachers they haue heard vntil this pre ⸗ſent time, and what they doe heare at this day.

For can any man finde an Apoſtle more fit for the braine of an Aſſe, then the head of a Calfe? This is a fit couer for the pot.

The carnall gouernment hath alwayes a carnall doctrine. And therefore the Calfe is yet without eyes, or blinde, for to figure thoſe of whome Ieſus Chriſt ſpeaketh e4r of a Moonkish Calfe 16 ſpeaketh off in Saint Mathew the 23. chapter, ſay Mat.23.b.16ing. Wo be vnto you Scribes and Phariſies, blinde guydes. And Eſay in his. 56. chapter ſayth. All his Eſa.56.c.10 watchmen are all blinde, they haue altogether no vn ⸗derſtanding, they are all dumme Dogges, not being a ⸗ble to barke, they are ſlippery: ſluggiſh are they, and lye ſweating: they are ſhameleſſe Dogges that be ne ⸗uer ſatiſfied. The ſhepheards alſo in lyke manner haue no vnderſtanding.

We might very properly or fitly apply many other things in that Monſter, vnto the Moonkes and ſophi ⸗ſters. As this: The eare tyed to the frocke, ſignifi⸗ The eare noteth the confeſſions. eth the inſupportable tyranny of confeſſions, by the which they doe caſt and throw the poore conſciences in ⸗to the diuells throate, and doe put them in a terrible bondage.

The putting out of the tongue, doth ſignifie that The tongue all their doctrine is no other thing but the tongue. That is to ſaye, a bablyng and full of vayne words.

The two lyttle warts or knobbes which appeare vppon the head, ſhould haue bene two hornes. And The two warts or knobs lyke peaſon. the hornes doe ſignifie the Preaching of the Goſpell, the which make vs obedient vnto death or to the croſſe, deſtroying the olde manne: as it is ſayde by the Prophet Micheah the fourth Chapter. I will make thy horne yron and thy clawes ſhall bée of Micheah.4.d.13 braſſe, that thou mayſt grinde and cruſh in péeces ma ⸗ny people.

Yet neuertheleſſe this Calfe hath no hornes, but The Moonkes doe turne the preaching of Goſpell vnto mens tradtions onely certeyne appearaunce or tokens of hornes, which doe not much appeare.

For although that thoſe dooe bragge and boaſte themſelues of that title, that they are Doctours of the Goſpell: Yet neuertheleſſe they doe tourne it e4v The interpretation it foolyſhly vnto the traditions of men. ſo then from the crowne of the head, which is ſhauen, doe appeare two lyttle knobbes lyke vnto peaſe. For vnder the title of the Goſpell, he hydeth and couereth what him lyſteth, and cannot ſuffer or abide, that the Goſpell ſhoulde come foorth of that hull or ſhell: But it muſt agree to the ſanctitie of that ſhauen crowne: And chief ⸗ly as touching the Pope which is the head, of all those ſhauen heads.

And for that the Coole is ſo faſt behinde the The Moonkes coole or hood tyed to neck. necke, the same declareth the incredible obſtination of the ſuperſticion and of the errours of theſe doltiſhe Moonkes, concerning the obſeruations and Monaſticall ceremonyes. As in very déede they are plunged and faſtened so déepe within such filthineſſe, that there is neyther vertue nor force, nor the lyght of the Chri ⸗ſtian veritie, how great ſoeuer that it bée, which canne in any wiſe draw them foorth for to beholde the lyght.

Now for that the Coole was tyed and cloſe behinde The Moonkes do keepe and hold faſt the hood & forſake & let go transi ⸗tory goods at the backe, and that towards the belly or before it ap ⸗peared to be open or vnſewed, doth ſignifie thoſe doe ſhew in their outward apparayle a certeine godlyneſſe: and it is vnder the coulour that they doe forſake and renounce all tranſitory goodes. But if they muſt come vnto God, or if one would bring them to the eternall lyfe, one ſhal finde that thoſe are naked bellyes, and vn ⸗profitable burthens for to conſume the goods of earth, yea committing all enormities: of which I loue rather to holde my peace.

And whereas that the Iawes below are lyke vnto the Iawes of a man, and thoſe aboue with the noſtrels lyke vnto thoſe of a Calfe, the ſame ſignifieth that in their doctrine they ſpeake very oft of the ciuile workes of the heauenly law: But in the meane ſeaſon there is nothing f1r of a Moonkish Calfe. 17 nothing but that it ſmelleth and ſauoreth of the Calfe: that is to ſay, that the diſcipline, righteouſneſſe and the Philoſophicall vertues are there too much prayſed.

For the two lips of the mouth, do ſignifie two ſorts and kindes of doctrines: the nether lip ſignifieth the ex ⸗plycation of the Law: and the vpper lyp the preaching of the Goſpell and of the heauenly promiſes. But in stéede of the Goſpell, and of the promiſes touch ⸗ing the reconcilyation made by Ieſus Chriſt, they doe preach the mouth of a Calfe: That is to ſay, they doe To preach the mouth of a calfe preach the great recompences and rewards which are giuen in heauen for mans workes dilygently done, but without faith.

Finally this Calfe is not hairy in any part, or hath The calfe vvith out haire no haire as other Calues haue, the ſame doth ſignifie the goodly and ſhining hipocriſie by the which theſe doltifh Moonkes haue deceiued all the world. Inſomuch that they which are the cruell homicides of ſoules, and the madde vpholders of the diuell haue bene notwithſtanding eſtéemed and counted holy and spiri ⸗tuall fathers.

All theſe things are now openly knowen by a cléere lyght: This Calfe is come foorth from the hidde ſe⸗ The Calfe com⸗ ing out of the belly of his mo -ther. crets of the belly of his mother. They can no longer be kept in a ſecret place and hid from the sight of men, nor cannot chuſe but that they muſt be perceiued. Lette them cloke or hide it aſmuch as they will, but that ſhall not lette that the maſke or diſguiſing be not taken from them, and that they be not brought foorth in the lyght and their turpitude and filthineſſe bée not knowen or vncouered, that all men may ſhew or poynt at them with their finger.

For I will leaue to euery mans lybertie to iudge of this interpretation. For although that the expoſiti on [?] fit inough, yet neuerthelesse it is F. of f1v The interpretation of it ſelfe ſound inough and very well buylded and grounded vppon the witneſes of the holy ſcripture, The expoſition of the calfe buil ded vppon the Scriptures that the Moonkery is ſuch in very deede as we haue de ⸗ſcribed. Foraſmuch then as this Calfe agreeth proper ⸗=ly with dwine Oracles, let euery one diligently take héede or be wel aduiſed what & is he ſhal diſpiſe whē he ſhal diſpiſe & reiect this my interpretation. In this Monſter ther is more then a ſufficient warning, for to make vs to vnderſtand god is offended & angry with thoſe Moonkiſh obſeruations. For if he loued them, it is moſt certeine he would haue cloathed it with a frock God is angry vvith the obſer-uations of the Moonkes. of a more honeſter figure. And we muſt very well ſay that by ſuch a monſtrous figure is not ſignified or mēt any man alone: But a ſociation, a couent, a brotherhood, or a gouernment of many, according to the nature and condition of all the viſions, of which is made mention VVhat the fi⸗gure of the calfe doth ſignifie in the holy ſcripture, Daniel chapter. 8. O you Moonkes and Nunnes, take you héede, your dooings are héere intreated of earneſtly: and thinke not that ſuch aduertiſement of God is a play to ieſt at, or an enchauntment.

Appeaſe God with other oblations and ſacrifices then thoſe which you haue: Forſake your Couents, and caſt away your frockes, and retourne vnto that where ⸗fore you were borne, and wherevnto you are called by God, before that this occaſion that God ſheweth vnto you doe vaniſh away. For afterwards, when you would ye cannot: Now when you may doe well, ye will not.

Aboue all I do earneſtly beſéech the noble families and all gentlemen that they wil delyuer their children and couſins, or thoſe whoſe ſoules health they do loue, from ſuch ſo horrible and perillous lyfe, as from a moſt filthy priſon. Thinke that they are not yet out of the bondes of mans body: and but that they are bound to the f2r of a Moonkish Calfe 19 the communion of men, and to the law of Nature as well as other men. For this is not graunted to ⸗Nature, that ſo great multitude of vnmari The gift of continencio is not graunted vnto all men.ed people can lyue honeſtly and chaſt ly: or that they can of their own free wil liue witho [...]ut ma ⸗riage. As for me I would gladly do that which lay in mée, and which apperteineth to mine office, and to warne you in time.


¶Imprinted at London by Thomas Eaſt, dwelling by Paules Wharfe.1579.

Square of printers flowers.
[Note:] A mostly obscured manuscript annotation.

About this text

Title: Of two Woonderful Popish Monsters, to wyt, Of a Popish Asse which was found at Rome in the river of Tyber and of a Moonkish Calfe, calved at Friberge in Misne Which are the very foreshewings and tokens of Gods wrath, against blinde, obstinate, and monstrous Papistes. Witnessed, and declared, the one by P. Melanchthon, the other by Martyn Luther. Tr. by I. Brooke.
Author: Luther, Martin, 1483-1546; Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560; Brooke (of Ashe), John.
Edition: Taylor edition
Series: Taylor Editions: Reformation
Editor: Transcribed and edited by Elena Trowsdale.

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About this edition

This is a facsimile and transcription of: Of two Woonderful Popish Monsters, to wyt, Of a Popish Asse which was found at Rome in the river of Tyber and of a Moonkish Calfe, calved at Friberge in Misne Which are the very foreshewings and tokens of Gods wrath, against blinde, obstinate, and monstrous Papistes. Witnessed, and declared, the one by P. Melanchthon, the other by Martyn Luther. Tr. by I. Brooke. . It is held by the Bodleian Library, shelf mark: Douce B subt. 268.

The transcription was encoded in TEI P5 XML by Elena Trowsdale.


Publication: Taylor Institution Library, one of the Bodleian Libraries of the University of Oxford, 2023. XML files are available for download under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License . Images are available for download under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Source edition

Luther, Martin, 1483-1546; Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560; Brooke (of Ashe), John. Of two Woonderful Popish Monsters, to wyt, Of a Popish Asse which was found at Rome in the river of Tyber and of a Moonkish Calfe, calved at Friberge in Misne Which are the very foreshewings and tokens of Gods wrath, against blinde, obstinate, and monstrous Papistes. Witnessed, and declared, the one by P. Melanchthon, the other by Martyn Luther. Tr. by I. Brooke. This edition is Brooke's english translation of both the 'Popish Asse' and 'Monkish Calfe'. This specific edition has some mutilations on sig. B1 and some manuscript annotation on the final page. London : [Thomas East,] 1579  

Editorial principles

Created by encoding transcription from printed text.

Edition type: This edition will be a diplomatic edition, faithful to the appearance of the source material.

Non-standard characters: This edition has aimed that all characters and glyphs have been maintained to fit with the appearance of the source material. This extends to the inclusion of characters such as the double lined hyphen, ligatures and the long 's', as well as the maintaining of the v/u exactly as is printed in the source. However, the distinction between round and long r has not been maintained as it presents only minimal difference on the page of the source text.

Marginal notations: Though marginal notations are on the left of the verso pages of the source material, in this edition all marginal notations will be displayed on the right for readability reasons. They will be encoded as 'note', not 'gloss'.

Formatting: All fonts and formatting sizes/renderings are as faithfully encoded as possible. However, a blackletter/fraktur font has not been used as this edition is meant to be readable. For this reason, a distinction between a serif font and a georgia font has been used to mark the difference between the gothic and roman fonts in the source material. This option maintains the difference of font whilst using readable fonts. All 'form work' has been standardised in a georgia font for readability and consistancy.

Typesetting: Modern typesetting rules have been applied in this edition due to the irregular application of spaces with punctuation. This edition standardises the punctuation/spaces to modern rules to maintain consitancy. The tapering ends of paragraphs have been 'centred' to mimick their appearance on the page.

Abbreviations: All abreviations are kept, not expanded upon due to the edition being diplomatic.