front flyleaf a1r


. Ad lectorem Eusebius. Quam male conveniant cum Christi pectore Jesu Pontificum mores, iste libellus habet. Haec lege, qui verae pietatis amore moveris. Hoc pius, et lecto codice, doctus eris.
A large group of people including nobles, scholars, and women, distinguishable by their headgear, are on the right-hand side of the image. This group approaches Christ, who is bearded and barefoot, offering him a crown. Christ turns away towards a wooded area in an act of rejection. In the upper right hand side of the image a castle and city walls are visible.


Christus: Jesus ergo cum cognovisset, quia venturi essent ut eum raperent , et facerent regem, fugit iterum in montem ipse solus. Iohan. vi. Regnum meum non est de hoc mundo. Iohan. xviii. Reges gentium dominantur eorum, et qui potestatem habent benefici vocantur. Vos autem non sic, sed qui major vestrum fuerit, sit tamquam minor. Luce. 22.2 [Luke 22:25-26].

The pope wearing a triple tiara stands in an archway closed off by a chain. Surrounding him are the figures and equipment of warfare: cannon, armoured knights on horseback, and an army of foot soldiers bearing halberds. Two mitered bishops stand directly behind the Pope, and a coat of arms with a pair of crossed keys, the symbol of Christ's initial assignment of the papacy to St. Peter, appears above the Pope's head. The outline of a dwelling is visible through the archway.


Nos eam3 eam ex superioritate quā ab Imperio4 ad imperium] ab imperio. non est dubium nos ha- habere quam5 quam] quod. ex potestate in qua6 qua] quam. vocante7 vocante] vacante Imperio Imperatori succedi- mus. Cle. pastoralis finem de sen. & re iudi.8 [Clem., II 11 c. 2, CorpIC 2, 1153]. Summa summarum. & Antichristū super omnes Cesares, Reges & principes extollat, sicut S. Petrus prius predixit. Venturos pseudoprophetas dominationem con- tementes.iij. (2 Pet 2: 1, 10].)

A ij
In the centre of a room Christ sits on a block. His hands are tied, and he is naked save for a regal cape. Four men surrounding him use poles to lower a crown of thorns onto his head. The man directly behind Christ holds a stick to beat him. The two figures on the right bear swords and are dressed as mercenaries. A dog lies in the foreground.


Milites plectentes coronani de spinis imposuerunt capiti eius & veste purpurea circundederunt9 circumdederunt] circundederunt cum. (John 19:2)

The Pope is invested with his magnificent triple tiara by a pair of mitered bishops. All three wear richly embroidered capes. Looking on are more mitered bishops and several tonsured monks. The Pope sits on an ornamented dais, and one of the bishops bears an incense thurible. Through a doorway we glimpse three heralds blowing trumpets; a flaming bonfire; and a group of people preparing to fire off a cannon.


Antichristus: Imperator Constantinus tradidit nobis coronam imperialem, phrygium chlamydem purpuream, tunicam coccineam et imperialia indumenta et sceptra. c. Constantinus xcvi. dist. 10 . [Decr., d. 116 c. 13-14, CorpIC, 343-343]. & sceptra. Eiusmodu mendacia ad tuendam tyrannidem suam confinxerunt: contra omnes & historias & annales, Necquam in more fuit Romanis Imperatoribus tales gestare coronas.

A iij
In an interior scene, Christ kneels on the floor, bending over the feet of one of the seated disciples as he washes them in a round basin. Christ's face is positioned so that the foot he holds in his right hand is near to his lips, as though he were about to kiss the foot. Two other disciples sit alongside the first, waiting their turn, while the rest stand in a cluster behind Christ. The disciples are depicted conventionally, mostly with beards and long robes; and Jesus is also depicted in a long robe.


Si ego lavi pedes vestros, dominus & magister, & vos debetis alter alterius lauare pedes. Exemplum enim dedi vobis, ut quemadmodum ego feci vobis, ita et vos faciatis, Amen, amen dico vobis, non est servus maior domino suo: neque apostolus maior est eo qui misit illum. Si haec scitis? Beati eritis si feceritis ea.11 [John 13:14-17].

The Pope is enthroned beneath his baldachin, with an array of mitered bishops and tonsured monks, as well as nobles and princes, clustering around the throne. The Pope extends his shod foot for one of the princes to kiss, and raises his right hand in blessing. Cardinals, scholars and other members of the three estates are included in the group waiting to pay homage to the Vicar of Christ, who is seated on a richly brocaded throne atop two steps.


Papa nititur imitari nonnullos tyrannos et ethnicos principes, qui pedes suos hominibus præbuerunt osculando. Ut verum fiat quod scriptum est: quicumque non adoraverit imaginem bestiæ occidatur.12 [Decretal., V 33 c. 12, CorpIC 2, 854]. De huiusmodi pedum osculatione non dubitat papa se impudenter in suis decretalibus iactitare. c. Cum olim de privilegiis 13 [I 10, c. 4. CorpIC 2, 1192] Clementinae 14 [I 10, c. 4. CorpIC 2, 1192 Si summus pontifex de sententia excommunicationis.

At the right, we see an arched city gate, through which an official in headdress and cloak has stepped, bearing an open purse. To this figure's right cluster the disciples, with Jesus at the far left of the frame. He is gesturing toward the figure in the centre of the image, whom we may take to be Peter. Peter is holding a large fish, reaching into its mouth to draw forth a coin.


Vade ad mare, et mitte hamum, et eum piscem, qui primus ascenderit, tolle, et aperto ore eius, invenies staterem. Illum sumens, da eis pro me & te. (Matt 17:27). Reddito omnibus debita: cui tributum, tributum; cui vectigal, vectigal; cui timorem, timorem; cui honorem, honorem. Paulus ad Ro: xiii (Rom 13:7)

The pope sits at the top centre of the image wearing the triple tiara. Surrounding him are a tonsured monk, a mitred bishop, a cardinal and a scholar. He holds out a sealed document with his right hand, which has coins falling out of it, and looks away to the left. In the foreground on the left stands a crowned prince flanked by two other male figures. The coins from the pope’s document are falling onto these men. A nun, a monk and two priests queue up before them holding bags of money. One of the figures takes the bag of money from the hands of the monk.


Decernimus, qui iurisdictionem temporalem obtinent vel iusticiam secu- larem exercent, taleas, vel collectas seu exactiones quascumque ecclesiis vel personis ecclesiasticis imponere, vel exigere ab eisdem pro domibus, praediis vel quibuscumque possessionibus, ab eisdem ecclesiis vel personis ecclesiasticis. c. i. De immunitate ecclesiarum15 ecclesiarum] Ecle. , Liber Sextus16 ecclesiarum] [III 23 C. 1, CorpIC 2, 1061]. Sic papa suis man- datis mandata Dei dilaniavit. Id quod unicum est opus impiarum et antichristianarum decretalium eius.

Christ and the disciples are outside the city, surrounded by an array of lame and old persons. Christ is in the centre. He has folded his hands in prayer and gazes upward toward heaven. The sick and lame are distinguished from Christ and the disciples by their contemporary dress, and by their crutches and other accoutrements, while Christ and the disciples wear long robes.


Qui cum in forma Dei esset, non (rapinam) arbitratus est esse se equalem Deo. Sed semetipsum exinanivit, formam servi accipiens, in similitudinem ho- minum factus, & habitu inventus17 inventus] innotus. ut homo. Humiliavit semetipsum fa- ctus obediens usque ad mortem. [Phil 2:6-8].

A triple-tiara crowned figure in the high seat with cardinals and monks presides over a jousting tournament. Heralds on the right blow the trumpet, and line ladies onthe left observe a group of knights in richly feathered helmets and ornamented armour. The horses are likewise armoured and ornamented.


Papa putat sibi parum esse honorificum, si se humiliet. Dum enim nimium servatur humilitas regendi frangitur auctoritas18 auctoritas] autoritas. . lxxxvi. dist. c. Quando 19 [Decr., d. 86 c. 4, CorpIC 1, 298Ubi dicit glosa20 [Decretum Gratiani […], Lyon: Nicolaus de Benedictis, 12 May 1506, fol. 87rb]: : Quod verum est inter fatuos. Hoc est, quate- nus cum severitate imperandum est Germanis fautis, tantum nobis tribuunt.

Christ stumbles to the ground bearing the cross while a crowd of soldiers threaten to beat him with weapons. A bearded figure, Simon of Cyrene, helps Christ to carry the cross.


Jesus fatigatus ex itinere, sedebat sic supra fontem. (John 4:6) Si quis vult venire post me, abneget semetipsum, tollat crucem suam, et sequatur me. [Matt 16:24] Et baiulans sibi crucem exivit in eum, qui dicitur Calvariæ locum21 locum] locus. . (John 19:17).

The Pope is borne in a richly ornamented litter carried by five serving men. He is being carried toward an archway, above which is emblazoned the papal coat of arms, the crossed keys of St Peter. The attendants all wear soft caps, long cloaks, and shoes.


Capitulum “Si quis suadente diabolo” 22 [Decr., C. 17 q. 4 c. 29] et similia satis superque probant, quam libenter papa crucem adversitatis toleret, cum omnes quicumque manus in sacerdotes iniciunt, maledict, et diabolo tradit. Sic etiam fert crucem papa, ut baptisati Christiani cogantur eum humeris suis portare.

Christ preaches in the open air to the people, a large and diverse group of mostly commoners. Women wearing a variety of simple headdresses sit on the ground dandling babies in their laps. A few men wearing hats sit behind them, while a poorer-looking group of men stands at the rear. All gaze toward Christ, listening attentively to his message. Christ gestures toward the people with his hands, beckoning them to heed the words he is speaking to them.


Et aliis civitatibus oportet me evangelizare regnum Dei, quia ideo missum sum. Et erat prædicans in synagogis Galilææ. (Luke 4.)

The pope feasts and is served food and drink at a table with a bishop, monk and cardinal. A fool and another figure stand in the background.


Sæpe contingit, quod23 quod] quam. episcopi propter suas occupationes multiplices, vel invalitudines corporales, aut hostiles incursus, aut occasiones alias, ne dicamus defectum scientiæ, quod in eis reprobandum est omino, per se ipsos24 se ipsos] seipsos. non sufficiunt ministrare verbum Dei populo, maxime per amplas dioceses et diffusas. Generali constitutione sancimus, ut episcopi viros ad sanctæ prædicationis officium salubriter exequendum assumant. c. Inter cetera de officio (iudiciis) ordinarii. 25 [Decretal., I 31 c. 15, CorpIC 2, 192]. . Hi sunt episcopi, qui ordinari officii sui obliti facti sunt animalia ventris26 [cf. Titus 1:12], dicentes: Venite, sumamus vinum, et impleamur ebrietate; et erit sicut hodie, sic et cras, et multo amplius. (Is 56:12)

A young Virgin Mary and an older, bearded Joseph kneel in adoration before the swaddled Christ child in a hay-filled manger box, as the ox and ass look on. The poverty of the Holy Family is underscored by the indoor / outdoor setting of the scene, and by the hole in the one sheltering wall, through which a house may be seen in the background. Also in the far background at the upper left is a group of shepherds responding to the heralding angel in the sky.


Vulpes foveas habent, et volucres cæli27 caeli] coeli. nidos. Filius autem hominis non habet ubi caput suum reclinet. (Luke 9:58) Scitis gratiam Domini nostri Jesu Christi, quoniam propter vos egenus factus est, cum esset dives, ut illius inopia vos divities essetis. (2 Cor 8)28 2 Corinthians 8:[9]..

The Pope, by contrast, is depicted on the facing page wearing both the triple tiara and a suit of armor. He is at the foreground of a group of soldiers readying for war, bearing halberds, spears, and cannon. A group of knights on horseback completes the scene, with the walled city in the background.


Absolvimus ab omnibus iuramentis et ne illa serventur vetuimus tam archiepiscopum Trevirensis, quam eius præpositum, et omnes, qui tunc temporis capti se illis quoquo modo obligaverunt etc. Hoc in mandatis damus, ut spirituali simul et materiali gladio tamdiu malignos illos eorumque fautores insequantur, quosque cum integritate possessiones, vel quæcumque res ecclesiasticæ hoc facto vel quocumque pacto distractæ vel direptæ sunt revocentur. c. Auctoritatem29 Auctoritatem] Autoritatem. xv. q. vi. 30 [Decr. C. 15 q. 6 c. 2, CorpIC 1, 755].Quisquis in hoc belli certamine fideliter mortuus fuerit, regna illi celestia minime negabuntur. 23. q. 5. c. Omnium 31 [Decr., C. 23 q. 5 c. 46, CorpIC 1, 944] et q. 8. c. Omni 32 2 [Decr., C. 23 qu. 8 c. 9, CorpIC 1, 955]. Novit omnipotens, si quilibet vestrum morietur, quod pro veritate fidei, et salutatione patriæ, ac defensione Christianorum mortuus est, et ideo ab eo præmium celeste consequetur. Scilicet hoc est, de suis rebus adeo certum esse, ut pro bonis habeantur, etiam si propter eas Christianus sanguis effundant.

Christ riding into the city of Jerusalem on the back of an ass followed by its foal. The disciples follow Jesus on foot, and seem to wear expressions of concern or of the city for the entire woodcut series. In the background other buildings are indicated, serving to delineate a place of human habitation which Christ and his disciples enter after their sojourns in the wilderness.


Ecce rex tuus venit tibi mansuetus, sedens super pullum asine. (Matt 21:5) et (John 12:14-15, 47). Sic venit Christus vectus asino alieno et mansuetus. Neque vectus est ad regendum et imperandum, sed ad beatam mortem nobis omnibus.

The Pope is riding a magnificent steed, followed by cardinals and bishops in full regalia and also on horseback. The grouping is led by a pair of foot soldiers bearing halberds, and they are traveling out of the city. But where Jesus rides toward the triumphant acclaim of the people on Palm Sunday, the viewer can see around the corner from the Pope's position that his ride leads to the mouth of hell, where the damned burn and demons fly about in glee.


Clerici omnes sunt reges, et hoc designat corona in capite. c. Duo xii. q. i. 33 [Decr., C. 12 q. 1 c. 7, CorpIC 1, 678]. Papa potest vehi instar imperatoris, et imperator debet stator34 stator] strator. eius esse et frenum equi eius tenere, ut pontificalis apex non vilescat. 96. dist. c. Constantinus [Decr., d. 96 c. 14, CorpIC 1 344]. Super gentes et regna pontifex Romanus a Domino constitutus. Extravaganti. Super gentes. Iohan. vicesimi secundi.35 [Extrav. com., 1 I c. 1, CorpIC 2, 1237]

C ij
Christ stands gesturing in the midst of the disciples in an outdoor setting. At the feet of the men lie clothing, purses, belts, and other equipment. One sad-looking disciple at the left is preparing to add his belongings to the pile.


Nolite possidere aurum, neque argentum, neque pecuniam in zonis vestris, non peram in via, neque duas tunicas, neque calceamenta, neque virgam. [Matth 10:9-10]. S. Petrus dixit: Aurem et argentum non habeo. (Acts 3:6). Ubi est ergo patrimonium Petri?

The Pope is again surrounded by a group of people, including one mitered bishop and a number of monks, prelates and theologians. He is standing in an interior scene, pointing through an open archway to a city on a nearby hill.


Episcopi non in castellis neque in modicis civitatibus debent constitui, ne vilescat nomen episcopi, sed ad honorabilem locum titulandus est et denominandus episcopus. lxxx. dist. c. Episcopi36 [Decr., d. 80 c. 3, CorpIC 1, 280].

Sanctorum canonum statutis consona sanctione decernimus, ut sine titulo facta ordinatio irrita habeatur. lxx. dist. c. Sanctorum 37 [Decr., d. 70 c. 2, CorpIC 1, 257]

C iij
Christ is speaking in an indoor scene to a group of standing figures, of whom the one closest to Christ seems to be admonishing him in return. In the background, a group of people is enjoying a meal, and a second table can be seen laid out through an archway behind Christ's group of listeners.


Non venit38 venit] veniet. regnum Dei cum observatione, neque dicent: Ecce hic, aut ecce illic. Ecce enim regnum Dei intra vos est. (Luke 17:20-21) Quare vos transgredimini mandatum Dei propter traditionem vestram? Sine causa colunt me, docentes doctrinas et mandata hominum. (Matt 15:1-3) et (Is 29:13).

The Pope is seated on his throne on an ornate dais supported by a pair of fantastic baroque creatures, beneath a fringed baldachin. Before him are a group of kneeling monks and nuns, and one standing bishop, as well as a second standing figure. The hands of all of the figures before the Pope are held in an attitude of prayer.

Antichristi regnum prorsus est in rebus exterioribus. Quid enim aliud dicit ius pontificum quam ordinationes de casulis, vestibus, coronis, festis, consecrationibus, beneficiis, sectis, ordinibus, monachis, et sacerdotibus. Et nominant, ut sese ita sua bona et facultates bona spiritualia, se solos ecclesiam catholicam, quasi vero prophani sive laici, necque in ecclesia sint, neque Dei, contra omnem scripturam. Præterea etiam prohibet cibos et matrimonium, quemdmodum Paulus ante prædexit: In novissimis temporibus discedent quidam a fide, prohibentium nubere, abstinere a cibis. 1. Timo. 4 39

[1 Tim 4:1, 3]

Jesus brandishes a whip over his head at a group of cowering merchants. A table lies overturned, and goods lie scattered about on the floor. Behind Christ in this interior scene, the disciples whisper amongst themselves at this unexpected action of their Teacher. The cowering merchants include both men and women; one man actually lies huddled on the floor. One merchant carries a bag over his shoulder, another bears a basket of small birds; a third clutches a lamb.

Invenit in templo vendentes oves, et boves, et columbas, et numularios40 numularios] nummularios. sedentes. Et cum fecisset quasi flagellum de funiculis, omnes ejecit de templo, oves quoque, et boves, et numulariorum41 numulariorum] nummulariorum. effudit aes42 aes] es. , et mensas subvertit. Et his qui columbas vendebant, dixit: Auferte ista hinc, et nolite facere domum patris mei, domum negotationis. 43 negotationis] negationis. (John 2:14-16). Gratis accepistis, gratis date. (Matt 10:8). Pecunia tua tecum sit in perditionem. (Act 8:20).

Sitting on his throne on the dais beneath his baldachin, the Pope signs indulgence after indulgence from a stack on a nearby table. The interior space includes a triple archway with columns over an altar with a small triptych, partially seen, and a lighted candle. The Pope is accompanied by his usual retinue of cardinal, bishop, and monk. Awaiting their indulgences, and depositing coins on the table, is a crowd of people, including a number of women. In the lower left foreground is a small dog.


Hic sedet Antichristus in templo Dei, ostendens se tamquam sit Deus. Sicut Paulus prædexit. (2 Thess 2:4). Commutat et subvertit omnes divinas constitutiones, quemadmodum Daniel dicit (Dan 11:36-37). Opprimit sacram scripturam, vendit dispensationes, indulgentias, pallia, episcopatus, beneficia, tollit thesauros sæculi, dissolvit matrimonia, gravat suis legibus conscientias, sancit iura, et rursum eadem pro pecunia rescindit, refert in numerum divorum sanctos, sive canonizat, benedicit et maledicit in quartam generationem, et præcipit suam vocem audiri tamquam voce Dei. c. Sic omni dist. xix. 44 [Decr., d. 19 c. 2, CorpIC 1, 60]. Et nemini est permissum de sedis apostolicæ iudicio iudicare vel retractare. xvii. dist. iiii. c. Nemini 45 [Decr., C. 17 q. 4 c. 30, CorpIC 1, 823].

Christ ascends into the heavens, accompanied by cherubim on clouds and bearing a flag emblazoned with the figure of the cross. He is draped in a long cape-like garment, and a nimbus composed of lines radiating from his head reveals him to be divine. The footprints he leaves behind on the mountain from which he ascends testify to his incarnate human nature. A group of onlookersgaze up from the left foreground at their departing Lord, while the city is visible at the lower right. Christ makes a gesture of blessing as he ascends upward and out of the frame.
The pope, wearing his chasuble and crown, is flung into the flames of hell, where a number of souls are already suffering their eternal torment. His garments have been caught hold of by a group of grotesque demons. They are hybrid creatures, with ram's heads, lizard bodies and insect wings; bird heads and serpent bodies; long snouts and sharp teeth, and other variations. As the Pope descends toward hell, his cope flares out behind him like the carapace of one of these revolting creatures.

Apprehensa est bestia, et cum ea46 ea] eo. pseudopropheta: qui fecit signa coram ipso, quibus seduxit eos, qui acceperunt characterem bestiæ, et qui adoraverunt imaginem eius. Vivi missi sunt hi duo in stagnum ignis et ardentis sulphuris et ceteri occisi sunt in gladio sedentis super equum, qui procedit de ore ipsius. (Rev 19:20-21). Tunc revelabitur ille iniquus, quem Dominus Jesus interficiet spiritu oris sui, et destruet illustratione adventus sui. (2 Thess 2:8).

D ij

Quum autem famosus libellus dici non possit, nisi complectatur in se cri- mina & maleficia, manifestum est hunc libelllum pro famoso haberi non posse, neque sub edictis contra famosos libellos editis prohibitum esse. Quum omnia qui in hoc insunt libello, in pontificio spirituali Iure, non so- lum tamquam licita, sed etiam tamquam leges et canones inveniantur. Est autem hic libellus hoc potissimum nomine editus, tantum ad notificandum bre- viter, fundamentum spiritualis carnalis iuris, precipue pro communi & pub- lica utilitate totius Christiani orbis.

Haec aequi bonique consulite,

Brevi meliora sequentur.

About this text

Title: Antithesis figurata vitæ Christi et Anthichristi.
Author: Luther, Martin, 1483-1546
Edition: Taylor edition
Series: Taylor Editions: Guest
Editor: Edited by Eva Neufeind, Edmund Wareham.


The Antithesis figurata vitae Christi et Antichristi was the model for the Passional Christi und Antichristi but was published only after the German edition had come out in 1521, shortly after the Diet of Worms. The work features 26 woodcuts designed by Lucas Cranach in which scenes from the life of Christ are contrasted with those of the Antichrist, identified as the Pope. The Bodleian copy belongs to the first edition, published in Wittenberg.

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About this edition

This is a facsimile and transcription of Antithesis figurata vitæ Christi et Anthichristi.. It is held by the Bodleian Library (shelf mark Douce C 313.

The transcription was encoded in TEI P5 XML by Eva Neufeind.


Publication: Taylor Institution Library, one of the Bodleian Libraries of the University of Oxford, 2019. XML files are available for download under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License . Images are available for download under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License .

Source edition

Luther, Martin, 1483-1546; Antithesis figurata vitæ Christi et Anthichristi. [Wittenberg] : [Johann Grunenberg], [1521]  

Editorial principles

Created by encoding transcription from printed text.