About this text
A digital showcase seems a more fitting repository for the Mazarinade pamphlet poems than a dusty archival box . Easily disseminated , anonymised and pocketed , the pamphlet and the digital copy both represent significant technological developments in the history of literature and share many parallels in their modes of transmission . This digital edition serves to highlight the daringly public nature of the political affront of the Mazarinades and their extraordinary propagation , totalling thousands of different libelles throughout the civil wars of the Fronde .
This Mazarinade contributes to the turmoil in a vitriolic , fervent tone . The title conspicuously and provocatively frames it as the collective voice of the people . Printed with broad margins and no split stanzas or wasted space at the end , the poem evidences a self-consciousness of its physical form , providing an interesting case in both the challenges and opportunities presented by digitisation .
About this edition
This is a facsimile and transcription of Voevx presentez a Nosseignevrs de Parlement, et a Monseignevr le Dvc de Beavfort par les Bovrgeois de la V de Paris, Pour le retour du RO. 1649. It is held by the Taylor Institution Library (shelf mark: VET.FR.I.B.221 (39)).
The transcription was encoded in TEI P5 XML by Hanna Paasivirta.
Publication: Taylor Institution Library, one of the Bodleian Libraries of the University of Oxford, 2018. XML files are available for download under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License . Images are available for download under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Source edition
Anon. Voevz presentez a Nosseignevrs de Parlement, et a Monseignevr le Dvc de Beavfort par les Bovrgeois de la V de Paris, Pour le retour du RO. Paris: s.n., M. DC. XI [1649]Editorial principles
Created by encoding transcription from printed text.
The following presents a semi-diplomatic transcription of the pamphlet. All original spelling has been reproduced, including the differentiated use of v/u and i/j. The long and rounded forms of s are presented through a single letter form. Punctuation has been reproduced, but unusual spacing between letters or words has been standardised.
Images are available for download under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License .
- Image #1 (JPG - 1.2M)
- Image #2 (JPG - 2.0M)
- Image #3 (JPG - 1.4M)
- Image #4 (JPG - 1.9M)
- Image #5 (JPG - 1.1M)
- Image #6 (JPG - 1.6M)
- Image #7 (JPG - 1.8M)
All Images (ZIP - 185M)
All Images (PDF - 59M)
XML files are available for download under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License .