Folio 76br

do gabail cesrach an(n)so sis

C(e)is(t) cia cet gabail rogab eri iar tuisti(n) talman (ansa) Cesair i(n)gen betha m(ei)c noe m(ei)c lai(m)ach dalta se(de) sabaill m(ei)cmanuaill. ut d(icitu)r

Cesair i(n)gen betha buain.
dalta sabaill m(ei)c manuaill
i(n) cet be(n) calma ro cin(n).
rogab banba ria ndilin(d)

doluid cesair iar(um) a hin(n)sib marahén ar techedh na dilin(n) ar ba doig leisi dú na rancat(ar) daine riam cos(s)i(n) ⁊ nach dernad olc na imarb(us) ⁊ rosaerad ar biastaib ⁊ michuirthib i(n) domai(n) combad saer an du s(in) ar dilin(n) roin(n)isidar da(na) a druide dí éri fo(n)n in(n)as s(in) ⁊ ara tised co her(iu) (con)id airis(in) do rias(s) cesair f(or)er(in).

dia mairt a in(n)s(i)b maraoen ar fut srotha níl .vii. mbli(ana) di fri toeb airir Egipte .vii. t(ra)thdec f(or) mui(n)cin(n) mara caisb .xx. t(ra)th omuir caisp co muir cimreda. t(ra)th di do asia bic et(er) siria ⁊ muir torria(n) .xx. t(ra)th o asia bic ac seolad co helpa .xuiii. trath o elpa co hes[pain.] [.i]x. t(ra)th o espai(n) co her(in) dia sathairn do riacht er(in).x.v. f(or)s(i)n satha(i)rn si(n) am(al) asb(er)t i(n) fili

Cesair cid dia ta(n)ic si(n)
t(ri)ar fer ar coecait fo lí.
dia mairt ro gluais g(ar)b an s(c)e(l).
ot(h)a in(n)si maraoen.

About this text

Title: Lebor Gabála Érenn.
Edition: Taylor edition
Series: Taylor Editions: Manuscript
Editor: Edited by Jenyth Evans.


Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Rawl. B. 512


Miscellaneous prose and verse, hagiography.



Ireland in 15th century and early 16th century


Bequeathed to the Bodleian in 1755 by Richard Rawlinson, 1690–1755

About this edition

This is a facsimile and transcription of Lebor Gabála Érenn..

The transcription was encoded in TEI P5 XML by Jenyth Evans.


Publication: Taylor Institution Library, one of the Bodleian Libraries of the University of Oxford, 2024. XML files are available for download under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License .The images are reproduced from Digital Bodleian:

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Source edition

Lebor Gabála Érenn. Ireland, 15th to early 16th century

Editorial principles

Created by encoding transcription from manuscript.

This is a semi-diplomatic transcription, with an accompanying translation.

Abbreviations can be optionally expanded by clicking on them. When an abbreviation is expanded, diacritics are supplied as appropriate, following the standard forms given in the Dictionary of the Irish Language. (For example, 'ní' is given with its appropriate fada in the expansion of fol. 76br a33, even though it appears without its fada in the manuscript itself.)

The only abbreviation which has not been noted in the transcription is the standard superscript 'i', since it appears very frequently. (For example, see fol. 76br, a31, b3, and b4.) This is opposed to less common abbreviations of 'i' (for example, the rounded superscript 'i' on fol. 76br, b23).

Otherwise, each abbreviation has been represented in unicode format. These include:

  • An m-stroke: represented with a combining macron, e.g. 'laīach' on fol. 76br a35
  • A superscript 'a': e.g. 'tᷧth' on fol. 76br b13
  • An 'us' symbol: e.g. 'imarbꝫ' on fol. 76br b6
  • A reversed 'c', meaning 'con': e.g. 'ↄid' on fol. 76br b10
  • A rounded superscript 'i': e.g. 'tͥar' on fol. 76br b20
  • A 'q' with stroke through its descender, representing 'ar': 'gꝗb' on fol. 76br b21
  • The spiritus asper, representing a 'h': represented using a combining breve, not used for any other abbreviation, e.g. 'ot̆a' on fol. 76br b22
  • An 'l' with a suspension stroke, usually representing 'vel': represented with a combining suspension mark, e.g. 'etrl᷃' on fol. 76br b22

Sections numbers have also been provided, which correspond to the section numbers used in Robert Alexander Stewart Macalister's edition of the text: Robert Alexander Stewart Macalister, Lebor Gabála Érenn, Irish Texts Society, 34–35, 39, 41, 44, 5 vols (Dublin: Irish Texts Society, 1938–1956).