Folio 71r

[A Hympne of Thanksgiving]

A Hympne of Thanksgiving , composed by John Roe ( who in an Acquittance upon receipt of money for his Tithes , stiled himselfe by the providence of God , and appointment of four Committe-men of Coventrie , Mininster of Shustoke ) sung in Shustoke church upon the 7th of September a [ nn ] o 1648 being the day appointed for a solemn thanksgiving for the victory over the Scotts , and other successes by the parliamt . Forces at Preston in Lancashire

Awake awake o parliament
Rise Cromwell sing a Song ;
Leade Captive thy Captivitie
Come lead them all along
The Shores and Conpellations all
Gainph Hainilton did fight
The River swept them down her streams
My soule th’haft bode down might
Their Scotch confederats look’e ( as looke
Bless be the Lord they may
But all invaine , for they return
enrich wth spayles and prey
So perish those , that [ ] thy faes
But Lord let all their Lovers
Be like the Sun , when Day’s begun
And brighte [ ] beames discovers
Sing pinyfes England to the Lord
That hath avenged thee
when as the people went to fight
Offering themselves so free .
Ye kings give ease , ye people [ ]
I even I will sing
And sweetly raise my voice in praise
To England’s God and king .
My Heart is toward the Governments
That did their hope afford
Offering themselves so willingly
Wherefore bless ye the Lord
Ye travailers and passengers
And ye that aide in shire
And ye that yet in judgement silt
Now speake it in the Gate .
All they that are delivered
from Cannons thundering noise
The righteous acts of God the Lord
They shall rehearse wth joys
The passengers were wanderers
In by paths up and downe
And none could dwell in England well
But in a walled towne
God sleeps not though he holds his tongue
Sometimes , when furiously
His hatefull foes in [ ] throng
And lift their hands on high
Most swifty councill they have time
Amongst us all at once
Consulting how to worke the bane
Of all they hidden ones
Come let us cut them off , [ ] they
And leave no man behinde
So that the name of Roundheads may
No more remembrance finde
Against us all they have combin’d
Advis’d wth joyn [ ] confent
The Welsh the Scotts , the Surreyans
with those that dwell in front
Folio 71v
Speed they O Lord , as Lindsay who
was slayn in Kineton feild
As Colchester compell them all
with shame to stoope and yeild .
Do to them as to [ ... ]
Whose force thy power suprem
Gave some to th' sword & some to bond
And some swept down the stream
So we thy flock &c
Mr Wm Dugdale

About this text

Title: A previously unknown text of a hymn sung in Sir William Dugdale's parish church in Shustoke, near Coleshill in Warwickshire and here recorded by him.
Author: Anon.
Edition: Taylor edition
Series: Taylor Editions: Manuscript
Editor: Edited by Jennifer Patterson.


Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Eng. c. 7963, fol. 71


The hymn celebrates the Battle of Preston (1648), which ended with a victory of the Parliamentarians under the command of Oliver Cromwell over the Royalists and Scots led by the Duke of Hamilton during the Second English Civil War. It is noted in what seems a calligraphic hand of Sir William Dugdale (1605-1686), an antiquary, herald and Royalist. Dugdale credits John Roe as the composer, however, the indentity of this John Roe is difficult to ascertain. The hymn has 17-strophe with the last being supposedly incomplete.

Physical description

Codex. Parchment


Written in Coventry, England in the 17th cent.

About this edition

This is a facsimile and transcription of Song copied out by Sir William Dugdale . Shelf mark: MS. Eng. c. 7963, fol. 71

The transcription was encoded in TEI P5 XML by Jennifer Patterson.


Publication: Taylor Institution Library, one of the Bodleian Libraries of the University of Oxford, 2019. XML files are available for download under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License . Images are available for download under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License .

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Source edition

A previously unknown text of a hymn sung in Sir William Dugdale's parish church in Shustoke, near Coleshill in Warwickshire and here recorded by him. Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Eng. c. 7963, fol. 71

Editorial principles

Created by encoding transcription from manuscript.

This transcription is a diplomatic one, the original spellings have been kept the same. All legible text on the paper have been included in this transcription. The exception to this are the symbols used before each stanza as there is no written meaning only the visual. This can be seen in the images provided. Where the text was too illegible to be able to read, this has been indicated with the use of [...].